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The bedroom was quiet. The only sound to be heard was the gentle snores of the dogs at the end of the bed and the light patter of the rain against the window.

Deciding last night that she was going to call into the academy for someone to cover her morning class, as she didn't quite feel up for teaching as she was pretty exhausted this week, Riley got to do one thing she hadn't been able to do since she became an instructor. And that was have a lie in.

There was no lugging hoses up and down stairs or climbing up and down the aerial all morning, instead she lay curled up in her bed, Otis by her side and their pets by her feet. It truly was the perfect way to wake up.

It was around 10am when Riley finally stirred awake, it being nice not having been jump started awake by the beeping of her alarm clock, but instead waking naturally at whatever time her body decided to. And by the time on the clock, it seemed as though her body, and mind, really needed those extra few hours they'd gotten in bed.

Last shift had been a rather crazy one for Riley, between the whole business with Chief Boden and Chief Tiberg about her taking the Lieutenants exam. To her confessing to Otis why she didn't want to take said exam. And then to her dad showing up and trying to drag her back to Ireland with him because some nut job pointed a gun at Casey and then disappeared from the fire scene without a trace.

Although later that shift it was reported to them by arson investigators who checked out the scene that a hatch was found in the basement, one that led out onto the street, so it made sense that that's how the guy ended up vanishing. And that he didn't just teleport away, like some magic alien or something.

But because of all that added stress, Riley truly needed an actual day off, one where she could lounge around in her onesie all day. Or better, spend the entire day in bed with the love of her life, who was still fast asleep beside her and was about to get a very nice wake up call.

Riley rolled over towards Otis, her front pressing up against his back as she began to place gentle kisses up his shoulder and towards his neck. She slid her hand over his waist and across his stomach, grabbing his hand that lay by his side as her mouth moved further up his neck, causing Otis to stir lightly in his sleep.

"Mhm." Otis half groaned, sleepily, as he rubbed his face against the pillow and struggled to open his eyes. Until he felt Riley's lips kiss just below his ear, in the spot that she knew he always liked. It was then that his eyes shot open faster than ever before.

"Good morning." Riley breathed out, her kisses slowly moving along Otis's jawline, at least as far as they could reach in her current position.

"It is a good morning." Otis exhaled, shifting himself so that he was now facing Riley, quickly capturing his lips in hers as his hand landed on her waist. "A very good morning."

"If you get up and put the dogs and Lucifer outside then we can make it even better." Riley gasped out, the kisses Otis had been placing on her neck coming to a quick stop as he scrambled out of bed quicker than she'd ever seen him move before.

And after ushering the animals out of the room and locking the bedroom door after them, Otis soon returned to the bed, towering over Riley as his lips found hers again. One hand gently cupped her face while the other roamed across her body, coming to a stop where her t-shirt ended and her skin began.

Riley could feel Otis's fingertips against her skin and it sent a wave of goosebumps across her body and a tingle up her spine as she gripped the short hairs on the back of his neck, deepening the kiss as her leg hooked around the back of his.

No matter how many times she felt his hands, or his lips, touch her skin she couldn't help the feeling she felt in her stomach. The butterflies, ones that she'd felt ever since they first spent the night together, a night that felt like it was so long ago when it had only been about a year. It was a night neither of them would ever want to forget, and it was one they'd replicated many times before as there was just something between the two of them that made it seem like every time they had sex or just fooled around, that it was as though it was their very first time together all over again.

A Slow Burn // Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek // Chicago Fire ✔️Where stories live. Discover now