"You're okay."

I took a shaky breath and nodded.

"I'm going to get some lunch, join us if you want." She nicely suggested and walked to the door.

"Thank you Danielle." I added just as she stepped out.

She turned around and winked.

"Anytime sweetheart."

Danielle's POV :

I joined my friends in the cafeteria.

"Hello bella." A voice said behind me and I felt two hands massaging my shoulders.

I smiled to myself and melted under her touch.

"Hey you." I said turning to look at her.

"You're so tanned." I said opening my eyes wide as her beautiful hair was shining even more than usual because of the darker shade of her skin.

"Italian sun." She grinned proudly. "How were your holidays ?"

"Great. I spent some time with my mom and I also saw my sister. We enjoyed the warm summer in California with Emily but I tried to focus on my directing for this season !" I explained.

"I'm sure you'll do perfectly."

"Thanks." I blushed and looked down, only for my eyes to fall on Stefania's chest.

I would be lying if I said she wasn't so incredibly attractive.

But I could never admit that to her or anyone else, we were friends and coworkers and it was already enough and she probably didn't feel the same way towards me.

We caught up with the others until it was time to go back to work.

Charlotte didn't join us, she must have felt too shy.

I noticed how tense she seemed this morning but I didn't think she would get so stressed. I've seen her in a few movies and series before, she was already pretty famous so I thought she was going to be fairly comfortable but in fact, she wasn't.

And now that I think about it, I've never seen her at events, meetings or red carpets before. She was what we called a discreet actress.

Charlotte's POV :

I looked at my phone and it was time to go back to the table read.

I didn't want to be late like this morning so I ran to the big room and sat at the same place as before.

"Alright everyone ! We've got some big scenes to rehearse this afternoon, some are tough so if anyone needs a break or a breather just say so." Krista announced.

A second after, Danielle arrived with another woman who sat on the chair where the name written said 'Stefania Spampinato'.

They apologized for being late and the blond woman sat by my side.

"Let's get started then." Krista smirked and the table read began.

I managed to transform into Hayley, the character I was portraying.

"No you don't understand, I can't do that. I can't go back." I read my lines.

"YOU don't understand ! Just open your eyes Hayley you can't keep living like that !!" Maya said angrily.

"I could say the same thing about you Maya !"

We continued screaming at each other until we turned the page and our scene was over.

When I raised my eyes, everyone was looking at Danielle and I.

I blushed in embarrassment, thinking I did something wrong but suddenly they all started clapping their hands.

"Wow that was great." Barrett exclaimed.

"Meet THE Charlotte Rayne !" Laughed Krista.

When the applause diminished, we took a break.

I waited for everyone to exit the room before I allowed myself to breathe properly.

I put my head in my hands and tried to regulate my breathing.

A few minutes later, I heard people in the corridor so I sat up straight.

But before they reentered the room, I overheard their discussion.

"I knew she was great, I was just waiting for her to show it."

"I've seen her in her last film, she had a very mature role, I didn't think she was only twelve."

"I hope she'll be able to keep up with us."

When they passed the door, they stopped talking and looked at me with a fake smile.

I felt self-conscious and waited for the others to come back.

The day ended slowly, and I came back home exhausted.

Tomorrow would be my first real day on Station 19, tomorrow would be again another day of hiding my anxiety and trying to pretend everything was okay in my life.

Author's note :

Heyyyy, I promised this new story a long time ago and here it is ! As usual, requests and ideas are highly appreciated <3

I hope you will like it and I swear I didn't give up on my story Together Forever, I just need time to go back to it but don't worry, I will soon !

Take care x

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