Thank You! But...

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SO. As you can maybe see, I haven't exactly been the best at updating every week. It's not that I don't have enough time— I just started summer break— it's that I don't have any motivation to post a new chapter. And as I've stated multiple times, this story was not going to be top priority and blah blah blah. I just felt that I should inform y'all if you were wondering why there are no updates. Yup.

And thank you so so so so much! I never really thought that my story would get past ten views or one vote (if even that) and now that I look at it and see over seven hundred views and around ten votes blows my mind! And I have been trying to thank people that vote on this, but since I haven't really been on Wattpad, I didn't check and haven't thanked those people so, to those people I'M SORRY. I'll send you one soon? (UPDATE: I just checked and it didn't show up on my thing so people who voted I have no idea who the heck you are XD BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH)

(^don't know why i felt that was necessary but okay, me)

Basically this was to say there will be a less updates. That's all.

Thanks for reading!

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