Natsu Dragneel x Reader x Gray Fullbuster

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Ah! Thank you for almost fifty reads! It may be a small number compared to other people's stories, but it seems like a lot to me. 

Anywho, enjoy! 

Oh! You are a member of FT in this, kay?


You were tired. Really tired. You hadn't gotten any sleep due to the tons of people that had been requesting you, and only you, for jobs. Of course you didn't want to ruin Fairy Tail's reputation, so you completed all of them, without taking any breaks. So, yeah, you were exhausted. 

Because you were so exhausted, as soon as you got the FT building, you sat down at a table and fell into the state of being half awake and half asleep. The normal sounds of the guild were soothing, but also quiet obnoxious, which caused you to be like this. 

        "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" you heard, which also caused you to groan. 

        You felt someone sit next to you with a thump. "(Y/N)! Are you ready to go do a job? You promised that you would!" 

        "I never said anything like that at all," you grumbled, face still against the table top. 

        "But (Y/N)!" you could almost hear him pout. 

        "Oi! Natsu! What are you bugging (Y/N) about?" A second voice butt in. 

        The presence next to you disappeared, and you knew what was certainly going to happen next. You looked up to see none other than Natsu and Gray, glaring at each other. 

        "We were going to do a job. Got a problem, ice princess?!" Natsu said. 

        "Like (s/he) would want to go on a job with you!" Gray said. "Flame brain!" he added. 

        The argument went on, while you took your time standing up. The both of them saw you and took the few steps to stand beside your side.       

        "(Y/N), you want to do the job with me and Happy, right?" Natsu looked at you, with wide eyes. 

        At the same time, Gray said, "(Y/N), why don't we go out for a while?" 

        "Look, guys, you're two of my best friends, and I would LOVE to hang out, but right now, I just really need to sleep, okay?" you said. 

        Unlike normal, where they would understand, they kept pulling on your arm and pleading. You were still quite tired, so you sat back down and layed your head on the table. For some reason, upon your sitting, the two rivals shut up. You were happy for the quiet, and didnt do anything. 

        All of a sudden, you felt a pair of lips touch your right cheek. At the exact same time, another pair of lips touched your left cheek. As soon as the touch left your face, the arguing started back up.

        "Why'd you kiss (Y/N)?! And put some clothes on, will ya?!" 

        "I kissed her first, retard! Why did you decide to kiss her afterward?!" 

        So it was those dorks, you thought. Neither of them noticed you, quite alert after that, a blush and a smile lingering on your cheeks. 


So I tried something different! I don't really know if it was good or not 3: 

I hope you enjoyed!

Comments, whether constructive criticism or just telling me that you liked it, are greatly appreciated! :D


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