Kaneki Ken x Reader

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        -In this, Kaneki is not in an alliance with Anteiku or any other ghouls.- Enjoy! 

        You were a ghoul. You had met Kaneki a while ago, where he took you under his wing. You two had lived the months that you had together peacefully and without any ghoul investigator (CCG) disturbance...until today, where it was an entirely different story. 

        Somehow, the CCG had found you guys. They knew where you had been hiding out, the places that you normally went for necessities, etc. It was a bad situation and you and Kaneki both knew that you weren't going to get out of it easily. 


        You two had been running for what felt like years. Your lungs were burning and your legs felt like collapsing. I guess the training with Kaneki didn't really focus on this kind of stuff, did it? you thought. You continued to run, despite all of this. 

     Unfortunately, you were too worn out after a little more of this running. You, like all of the people who are running away from things in horror movies, tripped. And you were too tired to stick a limb out to avoid completely falling. You hit the ground with a thud, which upon hearing, made Kaneki turn around. 

        "(Y/N)," Kaneki knelt beside you. "We only have a little more to run, okay?"

        You knew this was a complete lie, but he sounded so kind and convincing that you did your best to nod your head and get up. You stumbled a bit, but Kaneki caught your arm and helped you the rest of the way. Even though your tripping and getting up was only in the span of less than a minute, you knew that the CCG had caught up and surrounded you two. 

        You looked up to see what you expected. Ghoul investigators had you trapped on every single side. You and Kaneki did the formation that you had practiced, where you turned so that your backs were touching and as soon as that happened, charged towards the CCG ranks. You felt your kagune emerge, and grinned. 


        The fight was going well; you were winning, and it certainly felt like the enemy's ranks were lessening.  But you felt the fatigue from the running before reaching  you, and you were getting tired from the fighting as well.

             Out of nowhere, you noticed that Amon had appeared. You had heard of him, and researched him so that you knew some things about him. You knew that he was quite strong and that he should, if could, be avoided by someone like you, who still had a lot to learn. 

        You tried your best to avoid him, you really did. You dodged and moved around so that it took him a little while for him to even try to attack you again. It worked for a while. But, eventually, there was nowhere else to go to and you didn't want to call out to Kaneki for help, because he was having the same issue that you were having except with other CCG members. You didn't want him to turn around to help you and then get hit by some kagune. 

     Eventually, you knew that you had to face Amon. So, because of all of these reasons listed previously, you waited until Amon was in front of you and charged. You ran toward him with everything that your body could manage. Your kagune came forward to strike, and it was going to work, it was going to work. But then, something seemed to go wrong. You faltered, your kagune fell back behind you, and the kagune that Amon wielded, impaled you. 

        You coughed blood onto the pavement as you fell. You fell and fell, and saw the memories that you had built up with Kaneki play in front of your eyes. They were happy times, and you felt yourself smile. 

        The noise of the fight had caught Kaneki's attention. He turned, just in time to see you fall and land with a thud. He quickly finished off the couple of CCG members that were trying to attack him, and ran over to you. 

        He arrived and bent beside you just in time to hear you saying what would be your last words.

        "Kaneki, I love y-" and without even finishing your sentence, you let out your last breath, while holding Kaneki's hand. 


I'm sorry if Kaneki is out of character and if this seems rushed, because even though I wanted to take my time, I felt like I needed to post a chapter soon. But I hope you enjoyed!

Comments are greatly appreciated, whether it be constructive criticism, or just saying that you enjoyed reading. :)

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