Haruka Nanase x Reader

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Sorry I kinda died. (a.k.a didn't update last week)

200 reads?! WOW. Thank you guys so much! :D

EDIT: OH MY. 1 VOTE. Thank you, person-who-did-that! (And 300 reads!!!) 0:


Today was your first day of school at Iwatobi and you were trying to find your way around to your classes. You had been wandering around for quite a while and were currently in the science area when you were supposed to be in your (language (like Spanish)) class in one minute. There was no way that was happening.

You tried walking down yet another hallway, only to find another biology classroom. Your eyes closed and a sigh escaped your lips.

Suddenly, you felt a presence in front of you. Your eyes flew open to be met with calm, blue ones. The person whom the eyes belonged to held up a carved wooden bird to your face. They didn't say a word.

"H-hi, there," you spoke, whilst taking a step back. "Do you need something?"

You spotted the color of his tie, remembering that it meant that he was a year above you.

Finally he spoke. "Would you like to join the swim club?" He thrust the bird towards you.

"I-I'm already doing something. Though I suppose that I could pop by...," you trailed off.

"We practice at 3:40. You can come by today." And with this, he took your hand, put the bird in it, and walked past you.

How odd, you thought and continued trying to find your way around.


You actually managed to find the pool thanks to your newly made friend Gou. She told you that she was the manager of the swim club after she saw the guy that gave you the creepy bird thing and offered to help you after you told her about your navigation issues.

So, yeah, you ended up at the pool. There were a total of three guys at the moment and they were all in the crystal clear water, seemingly practicing their strokes. You learned from Gou that the one who approached you earlier was Haruka Nanase, or Haru for short, and the others were Makoto and Nagisa.

The minutes were passing as you observed them all in the pool. It was kind of peaceful watching them swim. Time passed and they kept going. Eventually, it reached the end of their practice time, and everyone began departing.

"So, what'd you think, (Y/N)? Are you gonna join?" The one named Makoto popped up beside you.

"I don't know. It's more of a guy thing, isn't it?" You grabbed your stuff.

"Hum. I guess. You can always help Gou with managing cause she isn't the greatest."

"Hey!" Gou said. "I heard that!"

Makoto laughed. "But yeah, we could use some extra help with that."

"I'll think about it." And with that, you waved goodbye to everyone, taking one last glance at Haru, who was floating on his back in the water.

You ended up joining the club and helping managing. It was fun hanging out with everyone and you quickly grew close with the group. (And Rei joined but eh.)

One day, you were alone with Haru at practice. Everyone else was busy and couldn't make it. You didn't talk to Haru much, despite the fact that he was the one that told you to join.

You looked at your watch to see that practice time was over. "Hey, Haru-chan, practice is over."

He didn't say anything but did swim over to where you were standing at the edge of the pool.

"Haru-chan?" you let out, right before he grabbed your ankle and pulled you in.

Your head popped out of the water to turn and glare at him. "What was that for?"

Still not speaking, he swam over to you, and pulled you close, keeping you both afloat. You blushed, glad that he couldn't see your face.

"I like you, (Y/N)." And with the only words that he had spoke in the past couple of minutes, he accompanied them with a forehead kiss. "So, will you go out with me?"

You nodded, not wanting to say anything, in case of ruining the moment. And then, as if a sign, two cherry blossom petals swirled through the air and landed on both of your heads.


Again, sorry for not posting last week and thank you for the reads and vote!

Constructive criticism is appreciated so feel free to comment with some! Or just leave a comment in general. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Various Anime Characters X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now