Gaara x Reader

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Ohoho hello! So, based on my schedule with school and homework and other things, I have decided that I will be posting once every weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). So yeah! Oh! And I know that the personalities that I use may be nothing like yours but it is your choice to read these (or so I'm assuming) so you can either roll with it or just don't read...yup. Hope ya enjoy~

Everyone in the village knew Gaara. Everyone was scared of him. You didn't want to admit it, but you fit in with this crowd.

You were good friends with Temari, Gaara's sister. You would often hang out and Gaara would be somewhere nearby. The fact that he could kill you in a single moment, along with that he never showed any positive emotion towards you, scared you. What if he was plotting to murder you or something like that? Unlikely, but still possible.

Anyway, you were planning on going out with Temari and then staying the night at her house afterwards. Of course, you had already thought about Gaara. You had tried to push the terrifying thoughts of him out of your mind, but it didn't work, just like all of the other times.


You arrived at Temari's place and rang the doorbell. To your misfortune, a certain redhead opened the door.

"Hello, (Y/N). Are you here for Temari?" Gaara said.

"Yeah, we were going to do (some shopping/go out for food/other activity)," you said, looking at your feet.

"I'll tell her that you're here." And with that, he walked away, leaving you standing in the doorway.

You stood there for a few moments, twiddling your thumbs, until Gaara returned.

"She said that she would need a few more moments to get ready," he said.

You nodded you head, without saying anything. A minute or so passed and you wondered why Gaara was still standing in front of you.

"(Y/N)." You kept your head down at the sound of Gaara's voice. "Why are you scared of me?"

You opened your mouth to protest, to say that you weren't scared of him at all. But you were. You shut your mouth just when Temari came into view.

"Alright! I'm ready to go." Temari came to stand besides you. You saw her glance at Gaara. "Let's head out."

You turned around and began walking outside. Temari followed. You turned your head the slightest and saw Gaara still standing in the doorway, looking at you walking away, his question to you left unanswered.


You guys arrived back in front of Temari's house, where you watched movies until the both of you got tired and went to sleep. You didn't see Gaara the entire time.

The sun woke you in the morning. You looked over and noticed that Temari was still sleeping and decided to 'make' breakfast.

The kitchen was as familiar as always. You opened the freezer and pulled out some frozen waffles, which you stuffed into the toaster. 'Making' food was the best. The toaster took forever, so you got comfy by leaning against the counter.

"You never answered my question, (Y/N)." A voice sounded in your ear quite suddenly.

You jumped and turned to see, surprise surprise, Gaara. "Geez! At least give a warning or something."

He ignored you. "Why are you scared of me?"

Like last time, you opened your mouth just to shut it. You tried again, and words actually came out. "You don't scare me...," you said.

"I'd prefer that you didn't lie to me," Gaara said. "I know that this is sudden, but I like you, (Y/N)."

You didn't say anything. He continued. "When you first came over to hang out with Temari, I didn't know what to think of you other than that you were really pretty and had an aura that I wanted to be around. And when you kept coming over, I slowly learned more about you and I became internally excited whenever I heard that you were visiting. I realized that I had feelings for you...and now here I am telling you about them."

(AN: I read over this later and oh my it sounds so cheesy and ooc whoops)

You sat there for a few moments, thinking. From this small conversation, you had changed your opinion on the redhead. He wasn't scary, he just kept to himself, making it so that no one actually knew what he was like. His 'coldness' was misinterpreted.

Without really thinking about it, you reached over and hugged him. "Thank you, Gaara," you said quietly. He hugged you back and the two of you stayed like that for a while.

I leave the rest up to you! I hope that you enjoyed reading it.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated so feel free to leave a comment with some. Or a comment in general. Thanks for reading! (:

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