Farlan x Reader

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So. Update. I was going to write a Seto Kousuke x Reader but then I reread the second volume of Attack on Titan: No Regrets and I HAD to write one for Farlan. This is probably gonna be short (not like my other ones are lengthy)

Question: Should I start writing here what anime the character or characters are from? Comment, maybe?


and thank you so so much for 500 reads! thats half of 1,000 omg

I apologize for crappiness. XD


You had joined the Survey Corps shortly before Levi, Farlan, and Isabel. You had been trying to become friends with them for a while and only recently had they let you into their group. They were the replacement of the siblings that you never had ((sorry if you have siblings, just pretend they never existed)) except for Farlan, who you thought of as more than a friend or sibling, though no one really knew this.

~ (my transitions are great, okay)

Your own mission to go outside of the walls was later fulfilled when the Survey Corps was sent out. You were put into the formation with Levi, Farlan, Isabel, Flagon, and Sayram. (was he in their group? i can't remember oh noes)

Shortly after the entirety of the Survey Corps was outside of the walls, it started raining and Levi departed, in an attempt to fulfill the plan of receiving the papers from Erwin.

The titans footsteps did not remain unknown to you. You passed them as thunder or such of the storm that came with the heavy rain, which was why when the titans appeared you mentally slapped yourself. How could I be so foolish?! I may have just gotten everyone killed here, you thought to yourself.

meanwhile- One titan plucked Flagon off of his horse while another one did the same to Sayram. They were quick, and before anything could be done by you, Isabel, or Farlan, Flagon and Sayram were devoured. As you watched helplessly, their leftover limbs fell to the ground. And the next thing that you knew, you were being picked up by a titan, along with Farlan squeezed right next to you. You, again, watched as Isabel was picked up by another titan and eaten in one swift move. Her head tumbled to the ground and your feeling of hope was nearly diminished.

You turned your head to look at Farlan. "F-farlan," the words stuttered out. "We're going to die."

"No, we aren't, (Y/N)," Farlan said to you. "Someone is going to save us, okay?"

You shook your head. "That's not going to happen." You felt the titan's grip around you two grow stronger. Why hasn't it eaten you yet?

"Farlan! (Y/N)!" Levi's voice screamed through the rain.

He slid to a stop on his horse right before you felt the titan squeeze a little tighter and slowly begin to raise it's hand to it's mouth, you and Farlan unable to do anything to stop it. "Look, Farlan, I have something to tell you. I really really like you. And now we're going to die and I regret not telling you before. I'm sorry." The titan's mouth was close.

You heard Levi's maneuvering gear through the rain. You could feel the breath of the titan now. And in your last moments, Farlan, who had been silent for those couple of seconds before, hugged you as best as he could. And then the titan's teeth bit into your stomach, and you couldn't feel anything anymore.


what did i just write

that was not the best now was it



Anywho, I appreciate constructive criticism so feel free to comment with some below. Or comment with anything.

Thanks for reading, lovely! (:

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