Naruto Uzumaki x Reader

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Thanks for 600 reads and another vote! :D

THING: This takes place during Naruto Shippūden in the Pain arc, so I advise that you do not read this unless you are past that point.

(I apologize if anything is inaccurate; I don't remember the Pain arc THAT well)


"Hey, Naruto," you said.

"What's up, (Y/N)?" your boyfriend, who was walking beside you replied.

"Will you promise that when I get back from my post that we'll go to Ichiraku?" The defense around the village had increased since the Akatsuki had been making moves. You had to be on a post in few minutes and Naruto was nice enough to drop you off where you needed to be.

"Of course!" he said.

You didn't say anything after that and you two soon arrived to your destination. "Thanks, Naruto," you said.

"No problem. Cya later for ramen!" You watched as he walked off.

About half an hour had passed and you were absolutely bored out of your mind. Nothing interesting ever happens when guarding, so you hadn't been expecting much. You continued to be bored, until a little while later you heard noises that sounded like fighting. You quickly ran to the spot where the noises were coming from to find an orange haired person standing in the middle of a bunch of dead Leaf ninja.

You held in a gasp, not wanting to make the person aware of you just yet. They continued to stand amongst the ninja while you snuck through the trees to stand directly behind them.

"I know you're there." The person spoke without turning around. "You might as well come out," they added after a few seconds of you not moving.

Instead of stepping out calmly, you lunged at the person, kunai in hand.

They avoided your attempt, and easily flung you the side, causing you to hit a tree, with knocked the wind and a little bit of blood out of you.

With a bit of effort, you stood up, and again tried to attack. But, the person did the same thing. You tried and tried, only to be pushed to the side. You knew that fairly soon, you were going to reach your limit. Your seemingly last moments were close.

Using the last bit of strength that you had, you attacked one more time, and as expected, were flung aside. And then that time, you didn't stand up to attack again. You simply lay there and thought, while you felt your energy leaving you.

Soon, darkness clouded your vision.

No one was there to greet you in the afterlife. Am I dead? you thought. There was so much that I didn't get to do.

You didn't know how long you were gone, but when you woke, everything ached. You wearily raised your head to see the other ninja that you had thought were dead, slowly standing and looking around with confused expressions on their faces. However, the pain continued to course throughout your body and in a few seconds, it was too much to bear, and you passed out.

Brightness greeted you when you woke. You squinted to see that you were currently in a tent on a makeshift bed.

"(Y/N)?!" You recognized the voice immediately.

"Yeah?" you croaked.

Arms enveloped you. "You scared me so much."

"I'm fine," you coughed. "Don't worry."

A kiss was planted on your cheek. "You better promise not to leave me ever again, okay?"

You nodded.

Minutes passed with Naruto still hugging you. It felt so nice and warm.

A lost thought popped up in your head. "Can we get ramen now?"

Naruto stopped hugging you and sat back down beside your bed. A shadow crossed his face. You didn't know about the village and how it was now destroyed. "In a little while, yeah. Actually, when you are feeling better, okay?"

Again, you nodded. "Thank you," you whispered, and then threaded your fingers through his and smiled.




i think this is the worst one of them all

and that's saying something XD

Constructive criticism is appreciated so feel free to comment some! Or just comment in general. I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Thanks :D

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