Chapter Twenty-Seven: DeVante Unchained

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: The baby in the picture is Trey and Kakuya's daughter, Jagoo.


 The splash of cold water woke me up. I opened my eyes, wiped my face and gasped at him: my Donald was looking at me for the first time since 1995! He got rid of that stupid face tattoo and his hair had grown out long and that mega watt smile had me like WOAH!!!

Me: DeVante!

DeVante: Hey there!

He sat me on the couch and kissed my forehead.

DeVante: The first time I see you in fifteen years is like this! Not really feeling this at all. look beautiful baby.

I blushed. Kasem shyly smiled at him, braces and all and he smiled back, which was shocking. After all, he was livid that I got pregnant with another man's baby after we split up.

Kasem: You must be DeVante Swing! I've heard so much about you! I really like Jodeci. You guys were the stuff back then. My mama says nobody can touch ya'll. That true?

DeVante: You better know! Wow...the last time I seen you, you were so little. Can I have a hug!?

Kasem: Yeah!

Seeing them hug reminded me of the way DeVante would hug me when we were young. He was caring, protective, kind, and loyal. There's so much I need to tell him but I hardly know where to begin.

Kasem: You had me worried Mama!

Me: Sorry baby.

Kasem: Mama, do you want me to put Jagoo down for a nap?

Me: No. I'll take her, you sit and relax.

She smiled and went into her bedroom. I looked away from DeVante and cried softly.

DeVante: I know there's so much you need to tell me, but you hardly know where to begin.

I wiped my eyes and nodded. This man can read me like a book!

DeVante: Your little one is so precious! She shoulda been my baby but I ain't gonna go into that.

Me: I know.

DeVante: What were you thinking? How long were you with this Trey NoSongz?

Me: Do you really wanna....?

DeVante: Yes I do!

Me: Fine! We were together for two months.

He sighed and looked at me with so much disappointment. Like he hasn't done any damage!

Me: He just doesn't want anything to do with Jagoo. Trey made her, and now he doesn't want to take responsibility. But now he wants more custody of her since the media spun a lie that I said he was a deadbeat. He is, but I wouldn't open my mouth to strangers and say it. Plus, the nigga owes me 78,000 in child support.

DeVante: WHAT!? Why didn't you tell me!? I would have handled and dismantled this motherfucker, I....

Me: Given all the stuff that's gone down with you over the years, I wasn't going to take that gamble. I don't want to see you in jail, D. You know I love you.

He nodded his head and we cuddled until the phone began to ring.

DeVante: I got it, babe.

Me: Okay....

DeVante: Hello?

Trey: Who the fuck is this?

DeVante: Who are you talking to like that, homeboy?

Trey: Is this that bitch ass has been DeVante Swing? Fuck you man, get off the phone and let me speak to my baby mama. I wanna see my kid.

DeVante: I don't know you like that, but what I do know is that you got me mistaken for your bitch ass friends, Trey NoSongz. You don't need to worry about your daughter, I'll handle that partner!

Trey: Look man, this ain't got nothing to do with you. If you handled yourself right, you'd be having her babies but I'm the realer nigga between us two, so swing on some nuts and let me talk to my bitch.

DeVante: BITCH!? The woman who gave you a beautiful daughter and that's what you call her? Not on my watch. You wanna see your daughter? Come through me first, motherfucker.

Trey: I'll see ya'll bums in court!

I stood there in shock. DeVante slammed the phone down and turned to me.

DeVante: I know I just came back into the picture. I wasn't there then, but damnit, I'm here now! I'm not asking to get back with you, but I'm asking you to allow me to be there as your best friend, to protect and be there for you and your girls.

I wiped my tears and hugged him.

Me: I was waiting....

He nodded his head and held me tight. It felt so good knowing that he was in my corner after all these years. Trey may not be there, but DeVante always will be!

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