The Void Origins: Lucy Harper

Start from the beginning

    In a montage, Jack and Lucy both enter a hair salon. "First off, the hair needs to go. Now!" Jack yelled. With the help of a hair salon worker, he fixes up styles for Lucy to have. From pigtails, to bowl haircuts, to just plain long hair. "Ohh, I like the long hair. [sees some dye]. Question." Lucy said. After that, Lucy dyes her entire hair black and pink. All while Jack watches. Soon after, her hair is done. Black on the top of her head, as the long hair is pink. "Ohh, that's good!" Jack yelled. Once done, they move over to a knife shop. Inside, they check out various switch blades to buy. "Why do I need the knife?" Lucy asked. "Duh! You always got to be ready to cause anarchy." Jack replied. Lucy keeps looking. Eventually, she finds a knife she likes. The one skull blade she has in the present. "Do it," Jack said. Lucy does some practice stabs for a bit and some slashes. "Good?" Lucy asked. "The skills need work, but the knife cuts right to the point," Jack replied. Finally, he takes Lucy to a clothing brand to finish her transformation. "Those clothes are done for. [sniffs]. And smell like poop!" Jack yelled. Of course, he takes her to the black clothing part of the store. He has Lucy try on various clothes one by one. "Hmm, no. Nah! Bad choice! God, kill me already!" Jack yelled as he saw every outfit on Lucy. After thirty minutes, Lucy emerges with an outfit that catches Jack's eye. The exactly same one she has now. Black boots, shirt, and hoodie. "It's... perfect!" Jack yelled. Once in full outfit, Jack trains Lucy back at the base with her knife. "A quick motivation. Use your anger as fuel to really seal the deal." Jack said. Lucy sees the draining dummy, and imagines Melissa. She screams in rage, runs, and pounces on the dummy. Stabbing it in the face countless times.  Really getting deep into the head.  "Wow.  That was easy."  Jack said.  Lucy does need practice with her knife slashes though, as they are lackluster.  Jack however teaches her how it's done.  She adapts quickly.  Much to Jack's likeness.  "Now, your drug addiction is easy to fix.  See this.  Drug needle.  You take the needle, put it aside, and never touch it again ok?  Don't touch the needle!  But the knife?  That's an addiction I can work with."  Jack said.  Lucy scratches her arm as she tries to resist.  She fails many times going for the needle.  Even if there are no drugs in them.  The montage comes to a close as Lucy and Jack keep training.  Jack smiles sinisterly at Lucy seeing her evolve.

Later that week, it's Friday night.  Lucy and Jack are back in Dayton Ohio walking through the neighborhood.  With Jack rocking a black leather jacket.  "So you plan to kill Gabriel Agreste just to get his miraculous?"  Lucy asked.  "He too wants what I want.  The only difference is he wants to make a wish to save his wife.  With him out of my way, I can be the new Shadowmoth.  And you'll assist me with the others as we get the miraculous."  Jack replied.  "And some little animal can grant me superpowers?"  Lucy asked.  "Yes.  And I know you are going to love the powers I have planned for you.  That's for a later time.  Right now, it's time to prove my trust to you, Lucy."  Jack replied.  "You already have.  You freed me from my life, gave me a better home, got me a style I love, and edible food."  Lucy said.  "True.  Yet this proves I am the friend you need.  [stops walking].  Here we are.  Ash's house."  Jack replied.  Lucy and Jack look at the flashing lights, and blaring music at Ash's mansion.  Inside, the kids are having a ball.  Both high school and college kids.  From beer bongs to weed smoking, to all kinds of degeneracy.  No sex though.  Back outside, Jack and Lucy still stand there.  "Remember the plan.  We inject the girls with this, and then the real fun begins."  Jack said.  "What if anyone sees us inject them with the drugs?"  Lucy asked.  "This is a classic high school party.  They will expect them to be passed out, and you will be helping them home.  Not like anyone is going to know it's you."  Jack replied.  "Fair point."  Lucy said.  "I'll take Melissa.  You take Beth and Kate.  And Lucy.  Don't!  Take the drugs."  Jack ordered.  "I'll try.  These do look good for a drug to make me pass out."  Lucy said.  "Lucy!"  Jack yelled.  "Sorry.  I'll try."  Lucy said.  And so, both kids walk right into the party.  Once in, they nod at each other and split up.  Trying to find the girls.  Lucy looks around the place.  Passing various people in the process.  All of whom look at her with nothing to say.  They press on.  Lucy keeps her cool.  She makes her way into the kitchen.  Where kids are making jungle juices, and drinking their lives away.  The sight reminds Lucy of her Dad, and how he drinks his soul away.  At least they aren't abusing Lucy.  As for Jack, he already grabs a glass of beer and drinks it away.  Getting into the mood.  "What the heck?!"  Lucy yelled storming to Jack.  "Relax.  It's one bottle."  Jack replied.  "We are here for a reason.  Remember?"  Lucy asked.  "[drinks the whole beer].  What's the point of going to parties if you can't have a little drink."  Jack replied.  "And you say I'm addicted."  Lucy said.  Jack goes to respond but stops.  "Well played Luz.  [looks behind her].  Hey!  Is that them?"  Jack asked.  Lucy turns around, and she sees all three of them.  Melissa, Beth, and Kate.  "Yep.  Ohh, I want to stab, [freezes] party with them so bad."  Lucy said.  "Nice save.  Meet you outside."  Jack replied.  Lucy and Jack take off.  "Ahh, there he is.  Noah.  Ash's college brother.  Look at those muscles and that butt.  Aww, I want to squeeze it so badly."  Melissa said.  "You are still fifteen Melissa.  Noah is a senior.  That is just... gross."  Beth replied.  "Yet it's a fantasy I want to love.  With this."  Melissa said.  She pulls out a bag full of roofies.  Beth and Kate's jaws drop.  "Are those roofies?"  Beth asked.  "Just a little spike, and he's mine."  Melissa replied.  "You are insane Mel.  Seriously, insane!"  Kate yelled.  "Yeah, yeah.  Whatever.  You guys do you.  I'm going for the big shot."  Melissa replied leaving the others.  "She lost her entire mind."  Lucy said.  "Oh.  Hey."  Beth replied.  "Name's Gal."  Lucy said.  "Gal?  Nice to meet you.  My name's Beth.  This is Kate."  Beth replied.  "Sup."  Kate said.  "So, you girls like... drugs?"  Lucy asked.  "No.  We stay away from that stuff."  Beth replied.  "Tell that to Lucy, the biggest druggie I know.  We haven't seen her in days.  Hoped she finally ended her life."  Kate said.  "Can we go at least one night leaving her alone?"  Beth asked.  "Stop showing sympathy for her.  You know what happened, and we are doing this for Melissa.  She wanted this to happen."  Kate replied.  Lucy gets angry at hearing that.  So she immediately gets to work.  She gets two glasses of jungle juice from the sink.  Scooping them with a cup.  Once ready, she spikes both of them with the drugs.  Putting every bit in there.  After pocketing the needles to avid evidence, she brings the drinks to the girls.  "Here.  Let's stop talking about this Lucy, and have a drink."  Lucy said.  "You got us jungle juice?  Already getting on my good side Gal."  Kate replied.  "Didn't know you had one.  Sorry, glad I can help."  Lucy said.  "Care to join us?"  Beth asked.  "Drink away.  I'm staying sober tonight."  Lucy replied.  "Nerd.  Cheers to the best night of our lives!"  Beth yelled.  They cheer and chug the whole drink.  With Lucy smiling in the process.  "Ahh, that felt... good.  Woah!"  Beth yelled dropping her cup.  "What was in that?  That's some strong... stuff!"  Kate yelled.  The drugs already take effect on the girls.  "[grabs both their arms].  Here.  I'll take you outside if you need to puke."  Lucy said.  Since they are both drugged, they can't fight back.  Lucy takes both of them with her.  Two down, one to go.  As Noah chats with some girls, he places his drink down.  Melissa goes for the attack.  Spiking his drink behind his back.  She waits as Noah grabs his drink, and takes a sip.  Three more sips even.  Getting a taste of the drugs.  "Ahhh!"  Noah yelled.  "You good bro?"  Ash asked.  "I think I need to use the bathroom.  Too much tequila in the jungle juice."  Noah replied.  He leaves the others.  Melissa smiles and follows him.  "Hey.  [grabs his arm].  I think you look hot."  Melissa said.  "Aren't you... too young for my age?"  Noah asked.  "Not like you'll remember.  Say, instead of yellow, how about I make something white come out?"  Melissa asked back.  "What?"  Noah asked back completely drugged.  Melissa pulls Noah and takes him upstairs.  She passes by Ash's expensive hallways, and paintings on the wall.  "You got a lot of money for a college senior."  Melissa said.  "I think I should go.  This... seems too much for me."  Noah replied.  "I'll go nice and easy on you.  Maybe a little rough, but enough to show you my talent."  Melissa said.  She walks right into the parent's room.  Inside, they have a hot tub, couch, TV, and a California King bed.  "Jackpot.  And the bed is a recliner?  Shut up!"  Melissa yelled.  Noah lies down on the bed to get some rest.  "Already doing my job for me."  Melissa said.  "What job?"  Noah asked.  "[gets seudctive].  I'm a struggling student Noah, and I heard you are a big-brain boy.  [climbs on top of Noah].  I wish to learn a lot from your [takes Noah's shirt off] gains.  How about we learn from biology in the human body?  I'm sure you're just, poking at me, to teach me something."  Melissa replied.  "Please.  I need to go."  Noah said.  "Not until your study session with me.  And we are going throughout the WHOLE chapter."  Melissa replied.  Melissa then immediately starts kissing Noah's nipple.  Even licking it in circles, and grabbing the tip with her teeth.  Pulling it out.  Noah begins to moan, as Melissa starts getting aroused.  It gets worse.  She goes for his neck and starts giving him a hickory.  Sucking on it, and licking it.  All while Noah moans louder.  Even Melissa moans from the pleasure.  And we aren't done.  If Melissa isn't bad enough, she tongues Noah and kisses him.  Underage raping this man, who can't do a thing.  Melissa moans, and gets off as Noah joins as well against his will.  After a full minute of them making out, Melissa stops.  "I think we're ready to move onto the harder material.  Give me a second to get ready."  Melissa said.  Melissa gets off the bed so she can... get ready.  And as this psycho goes to the bathroom, she hears a button press.  She turns around, and soon after, the bed recliner slams vertically.  Snapping Noah's body in half like a table.  Breaking bones and everything.  His blood sprays onto Melissa's face, and she screams in horror.  Her screams come to an end when she is injected with a needle.  Thanks to Jack, who stands behind her holding the button.  Melissa falls to the floor as Jack watches her slumber.  The final girl was captured for the night.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 6: The Void Manifesto(Part 2/4)Where stories live. Discover now