The Consequences of Pulling up Grass

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She narrowed her eyes. "You're smarter than you look." "Gee, thanks. I hear Octavian might get elected praetor, assuming the camp survives that long." "Which brings us to the subject of doomsday," Reyna said, "and how you might help prevent it. But before I place the fate of Camp Jupiter in your hands, we need to get a few things straight."

She sat down and put a ring on the table—a band of silver etched with a sword-and-torch design, like Reyna's tattoo. "Do you know what this is?" "The sign of your mom," Percy said. "The...uh, war goddess."

He tried to remember the name but he didn't want to get it wrong—something like bologna. Or salami? "Bellona, yes." Reyna scrutinized him carefully. "You don't remember where you saw this ring before? You really don't remember me or my sister, Hylla?"

Percy shook his head. "I'm sorry." "It would've been four years ago." "Just before you came to camp." Reyna frowned. "How did you—?" "You've got four stripes on your tattoo. Four years." Reyna looked at her forearm.

"Of course. It seems so long ago. I suppose you wouldn't recall me even if you had your memory. I was just a little girl—one attendant among so many at the spa. But you spoke with my sister, just before you, (Y/N) and that other one, Annabeth, destroyed our home."

Percy tried to remember. He really did. For some reason, (Y/N) and he had visited a spa and decided to destroy it. He couldn't imagine why. Maybe they hadn't liked the deep-tissue massage? Maybe they'd gotten bad manicures?

"It's a blank," he said. "Since your dogs aren't attacking me, I hope you'll believe me. I'm telling the truth." Aurum and Argentum snarled. Percy got the feeling they were thinking, Please lie. Please lie. Reyna tapped the silver ring.

"I believe you're sincere," she said. "But not everyone at camp does. Octavian thinks you're a spy. He thinks you were sent here by Gaea to find our weaknesses and distract us. He believes the old legends about the Greeks."

"Old legends?" Reyna's hand rested halfway between her dagger and the jelly beans. Percy had a feeling that if she made a sudden move, she wouldn't be grabbing for the candy. "(Y/N) believes it, most consider him a madman."

"Some believe Greek demigods still exist," she said, "heroes who follow the older forms of the gods. There are legends of battles between Roman and Greek heroes in relatively modern times—the American Civil War, for instance."

"I have no proof of this, and if our Lares know anything, they refuse to say. But Octavian believes the Greeks are still around, plotting our downfall, working with the forces of Gaea. He thinks you are one of them."

"Is that what you believe?" "I believe you came from somewhere," she said. "I believe that for his madness, (Y/N) brought you here to help us. And truly believes you to be the answer to our problems."

"And do you trust him." "No. But I know he cares deeply for you, and I know that he truly wants what's best for the people he cares for. If I am among that number, I am unsure." "So what's your problem then?" Percy asked and the room was filled with a low growl.

"My problem. Is that you came from somewhere, and so did he." Her eyes darted to his clay bead necklace, "Which means, that somewhere out there, there is a group of demigods like the two of you"

"I fear by the time we have decided at the senate whether you are friend or foe, you may be upon us. Because of this, I do not trust him, or you. That being said, whoever you are, you're important, and dangerous."

"Two gods have taken a special interest in you since you arrived, so I can't believe you'd work against Olympus...or Rome." She shrugged. "Of course, I could be wrong. Perhaps the gods sent you here to test my judgment. But I think...I think you were sent here to make up for the loss of Jason."

Heroes of Olympus Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora