The Battle of The Wet Pajamas

Start from the beginning

It picked itself up from the floor like a sandstorm, Blackbeard's crew all jumped away from the strange magic, and (Y/N) didn't blame them, as the bodies of his friends were all stripped to the bone by the dust.

As soon as their flesh was rended off them, the ash clung to the bones of Blackbeard's fallen comrades and a false life was breathed into them as Circe's golden eyes flared, the only light in the storm of darkness.

As she took control of every one she killed, the air around her grew darker, and a new enemy to Blackbeard rose in their place, skeletal soldiers. The pirates she killed, now drained of anything but the will to serve her.

Soon, the horrifying mist had consumed all the dead pirates, and they in turn had killed the rest of the living ones, and turned them too, save for Blackbeard himself, who woke up to the scent of blood.

Looking at the crew of thirty pirates, Blackbeard got up shakily. Looked at his enemy and then drew in a deep breath as he planted his feet. "FOR ARES!" He hollered into the sky, his whole body burning with power.

He grew in size and shouted so loudly the boards of the ship around him bent just from the power of his voice. He now stood nine foot tall, his body engulfed in a blazing red flame that raged around him. Ready to make his final stand.

He fearlessly charged at the enemy. Into the onslaught of his own men. Two pistols firing before he even met them. He drew his cutlass one last time and used it to carve through his crew, (Y/N) had seen Ares' Blessing before, but never up close. He had never seen how menacing it was.

Despite the bloodlust being aimed away from him. (Y/N)'s knees almost buckled in fear. (Y/N) had fought with Ares himself before, and he had seen more war than he would like to remember, but this was a completely new sensation to him.

A mix of fear, respect, and admiration for the warrior kept (Y/N)'s eyes pinned to Blackbeard as the pirate waded through his enemies, the whole time, (Y/N) could only make one observation, chills tracing across his whole body at the spectacle before him.

In that moment. Edward Teach was un-killable, every stoke of his blade sundered more than one enemy, every shot from his pistols boomed like canon fire and had twice the impact. His gaze alone seemed terror inducing.

As the skeletal remains of his crew rushed at him, sword and gun in hand, (Y/N) knew they were gone, because they did so without fear, and he truly believed that there was nobody alive that could have charged towards Blackbeard in that moment without fear.

Blackbeard was so imposing he looked like a true god amongst men, shining brightly in the shroud of darkness that the witch brought with her to the skirmish, his blood seemed to give him power, through his rage, he withstand any damage.

Spears cracked against his skin, swords shattered against his own, bullets bounced off his face. A bloodcurdling battle cry seems to shake the ocean itself as he swept through the deck of monsters like a great tempest at sea.

Blackbeard slashed through the first pirate like it was made of paper, a slice across the middle that shattered the skeleton's bones without stopping in the slightest. (Y/N) had never seen someone disembowel a skeleton before.

But as chunks of rib scattered across the ship like a roll of dice, he was sure that was how it was done. The moment significant damage was done, the ash that stuck to the bone of the enemy faded away like sand in an hourglass, snaking back into Circe's huge cloud of darkness.

The next three skeletons didn't fare any better, the first was stabbed through the ribs, then Blackbeard turned his blade upwards and split it up the middle, as the next two charged in, they did land their attacks, but their swords bounced off either side of Teach's neck.

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