Chapter 13 - Injured

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(Current time-line Earth: 1 month War dimension: 3 months)

Mikey was having a normal day as always, he woke up at 5 am and was ready to fulfill his duties and morning chores, he does them almost flawlessly, and becomes overall the ideal figure of a soldier: He's adapt to the environment, performs well in battle, follows orders and rules as strictly as he was taught to and all the while being very respectful to his higher ups.

(He's just such a good boy! For now...)

During that time, the battalion was notified about a new kind of weapon that was recently developed by the enemy forces, Laser Blades, they're blades made out of concentrated light and heat that don't actually cut through, but it gives the victim a shiny mark that causes something like a burning effect, and funny fact, these blades can only cut through if they actively slice through someone, the cautezyzing like effect eventually burns the area where the blade sliced through and causes whatever body parts that were sliced to fall off or be completely separated from the body.

(basically light sabers but a bit different and with variety, also, it functions kinda like Solarian swords)

These weapons already took out dozens, almost hundreds of soldiers to a point that they're becoming a big concern to the higher ups of the army in general, many were researching a potential cure since they're going to be out-numbered if their forces keep getting decimated in the battlefield, Mikey's battalion was soon warned about such dangerous gadget, Mikey was barely even worried about it, he was an incredible warrior, so the chance of something like that happening to him was miniscule, at least he thought so, and comparing to his other fellows, he was quite enthusiastic when he was called into battle the next day after the announcement.

At the battlefield, most of the soldiers had their nerves on edge, causing them to be a bit more uneasy and a bit agressive due to this, but Hamato, he was determined and excited to face the new challenge, so when the forces set off to fight, Mikey goes heads firsts into battle and everything goes slightly as usual until his troops began losing, many soldiers fell down by the attacks of the Laser blades and Mikey finally realized the seriousness of the sittuation with such weapons and panic quickly sets in as he watches many of his friends being injured and even slaughtered before him.

In the mids of chaos, Mikey found himself lost in the battlefield, trying to focus on surviving that bloodshed, the chaotic massacre happening around him was too overwhelming to bare, so his mind went blank to try to cope with the stress and sheer panic caused by the atrocious surroundings, he was so spaced out that he didn't even saw an enemy coming right behind him, they carried a Laser blade shaped similar to a set of three claws, Hamato's mind was so overwhelmed, overstimulated and clouded that by the time he realized there was someone coming after him, the enemy was already inches away from him as their blades were on their way to slice his head off.

Once Hamato felt a cold breeze of death getting to him, he freaks out and jumps back to dodge the attack, but the slice was faster and cut his faces and eyes in one srike, injuring and blinding Hamato, Nicholas was around there and saw Hamato fall onto the floor in pain and rushes in to help Mikey back on his feet, the pain is unbearable and disorienting to him, but Nick manages to pull Hamato back together for them to seek shelter until they get the chance to return to the camp to seek medical help for his sizzling-hot marks.

Mikey can barely speak over the burning sensation on his face and flesh, even his eyes, everything burns, it's agonizing, like his face was melting on fire, the previous injuries he got in past battles feel like a whim compared to that, eventually, the smoke settles down and the fight kind of ends, once they get the notification that the fighting ceased, Nick immediately picked up Mikey and threw him over his shoulder to rush him back to their base for medical attention, Hamato is on the verge of passing out from exhaustion, feeling drained out and tired from all of the fighting and the blood-loss his injury is slowly causing by burning his face.

When they arrived, they saw nurses rushing in to help many other harmed soldiers, Mikey was soon taken in by them along with the others to be cared for by doctors that have developed the first stages of a possible cure to heal the effect of the Laser blades, it can only stop the burning, but it's still seeking to heal the injuries caused by that weapon.

Hamato received an antidote that made the markings fade away, still leaving a pretty nasty scar on it's place, he really wanted to rest but the doctors were insistent that he still needed more check ups, specially for his eyes, Mikey had his eyes shut most o the time because of how badly it was hurting, bit once he opened his eyes for the exams, he realized he couldn't see anything, he immediately freaked out, he couldn't have gone blind, how would he be able to live, he doesn't know how to manage this situation and his big brothers are not there to help him, the idea of this sightless fate causes him to break down and have a full on panic attack, which the nurses struggle to calm him down from until he just exhaustes himself out, the doctors call over Nicholas, his friend and someone he might be more likely to rely on.

Hamato finally gets vulnerable enough to let people in and is more than happy to hear his friend's voice greeting him and comforting him from the tragedy that had just happened, as soon as Mikey calms down, he agrees to get examined by the doctors to see if there's anything that can be done about this, they say that this is a difficult problem to deal with, they can see if there's anything to heal his eyes to prevent any complications in the future, but his eye sight, even if there was a way to recover it, it would definitely never be the same again, these news crushed the box-turtle's heart and he just had to deal with the fact he won't be getting much better from here on out, Hamato is put on medical leave for his injuries to heal and to begin figuring out how to deal with his blindness.

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