Chapter 12 - Analyzing

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Donnie was thoughtful, searching throught scatter and blurry memories of his childhood while Draxum and Leo discussed something unimportant to him in the other room, after reading most of his diary he had to take a break and began thinking, why is Mikey the way he is? What sort of circumstances caused molded him into the turtle he is nowadays? When did his concerns for the stability of the family start? In some of those pages he described the family as an "Unstable net that needs support from a mediator to keep itself together", Did he really thought that if he didn't do anything about their inner conflicts, with themselves or eachother, they would break apart? This seemed to be his worst fear, having their family separeted and he being left to either fend for himself or pick a side, something he always seemed to struggle with... Did he had any other insecurity they didn't know of?

After picking up the diary again and reading each page carefully, he found many detailed mental maps of his family's psycological profiles, it was insane, clever? Very. accurate? definetively. concerning? ABSOLUTELY! Specially the ones about Mikey's brothers, Raph, Leo and himself, those maps and profiles were very deep and clear, it was scary to think anyone knew that much about them, even if it's just Michelangelo, that looked like the work of a maniac, it would take years for Donnie to come up with something like that, but he had to put the urge to dig through those maps aside, for he had a very important mission, finding answers or clues of his little brother's whereabouts, he kept flipping each page, reading thousands of entries Mikey did over the years, he found out a lot about his little bro.

Since they discovered the hidden city, Mikey's been going down there by himself to offer services to the yokai population in a form of "favors", which means he does something for someone and said someone gets indebted to him, in a way that they owe him a favor in exchange, it's a system built on honesty and personal connections, like if he is building his own web of contacts he can go to if he gets in trouble or if he needs a hand with something, the yokai population showed him real integrity by accepting his weird conditions but also paying their end of the deal always, for what it seemed, Mikey really made a name for himself down town, having a extense list of contacts he regularly exchanges favors with, there's all kinds of people in that list, like Teachers, Builders, Restaurant owners, Landlords, Housekeepers, Bankers and even staffs from various grocery stores, it was quite a ton of people he had somehow found the time to become friends with and collect small services from.

There was also a few side notes, "Potential shelters", "Emergency scape plan" and "Runaway schemes", all are resumed versions of plans Mikey made for them in case they lost their home again, he placed down all the dominos to make sure that they would all be ok no matter what, was he always so smart? He seems to hide his true color pretty well, even if he's horrible at lying, it's not a lie if he doesn't bring it up to begin with, Donnie keeps flipping those pages for a long time, trying to find the answers he was looking for, he notes down every single place his brother mentions, every monument, location, place, even his contacts, the people, friends and connections.

Once the pages run out and all of the notes that could've been made were written, he goes to Raph and gives him the locations while keeping the contacts to himself for him to reach out to them for himself, while he was doing that, Leo entered his room without permission to talk to him and found the diary laying on his desk, for a moment he mistook it for being Donnie's but when he took it and looked at it closely, he found Mikey's signature, figuring out it was his.

He was a bit shocked to find out his littlest brother had a diary, but he could just wonder what was in it, but he didn't even need to look inside, there were multiple notes from Donatello about what was in it, even if they didn't went into much detail, he saw that Mikey was up to something down in the hidden city, he found a note with a bunch of addresses on it, Leo didn't think twice, he pulled out his swords and opened a portal to one of the random addresses and left without notice just as Donnie walked in, he watched him shocked and even tried to stop him, but Leo faded as quickly as a lightning strike.

As with Raph, he was shyly walking around the hidden city searching for the homes of his brother's friends, it was a bit odd to imagine Mikey being so sociable to this degree, but he was still a bit proud that he was becoming so self-sufficient, he basically got himself a job before any of them, Raph was still upset for never noticing it before and for Mikey never telling him about it, but nonetheless, he felt a lot of admiration for what his baby bro has accomplished so far.

He wondered around the town for a long time, meeting all sorts of people there, he even helped out some of Mikey's clients in exchange of nothing, bur he was still focused on his mission, he asked around about Mikey's location and stuff, not much success tho, it was a bit frustrating for him, he was getting more and more nervous by the day, so much so that one of the clients felt the need to offer him some tea, he took the offer kindly and decided to take a break around there, the client was an elder woman, he opened up to her about what happened to Michaelangelo and about his own feelings.

She was understanding of his situation and that talk was of great help for him, after a long time, he went back to hit the road again, only to find out it was almost night time already and that he had to rush home before his siblings thought he went missing too.

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