Chapter 19 - Bonding

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It's been less than a week since the trio of reformed soldiers were recruited and put under Riley's eyes in order to be guided through some kind of rehab for them to fully redeem themselves, Leo, Raph and Donnie are still going by their fake names, not rising any suspicion or attracting much attention to them, the other soldiers would definetively realize something was off about them if they just happened to have the same surname as one of their strongest soldiers, the turtles didn't think they were in a position to cause a scene like that, so they decided to just follow the rules and keep a low profile.

The three brothers have been trying by all means possible to get close to Michelangelo, but their attempts are mostly interrupted or just fall on deaf ears, Hamato has shown no interest in engaging with them in any personal way, Mikey is trying to be careful about the new "allies", he's unsureif allowing them in was even a good idea, he tried discussing with the Capitain about the issue he has with the sittuation, but the Capitain just brushed it aside and sent him back to his post, and Mikey didn't contest his superior's orders, not wanting to get on his bad side and ruining the most important and significant relationship he has by now, he needs that bond with the Capitain to be a stable one in order for him to be able to get away and jump over some of the battalion's rules, if he loses his connection with him, he might become more prone to get in trouble.

After all, Michelangelo felt like the Capitain really did care for him a lot, but it was hard for Mikey to focus on that right now, those pesky recruits keep bugging him at any given chance, Hamato is in no mood to hear what sort of scene they might cause if he pays them too much unnecessary attention, but it feels odd, whenever they're around, whenever he pushes them away, something in his chest aches, he assumes it's just his subconcious trying to make him feel bad about being rude with supposedly innocent people, but that's not quite what the feeling is, it's not like anything Mikey has ever felt before, it's confusing, it feels kinda like guilt but it's not quite it, maybe those recruits are just getting in his head.

Just as Mikey was wondering about his current sittuation, Roxxane (Raphael) walked in on him, Hamato had just lost his visor again, so his blindness was even stronger, Red Rover tried helping Hamato in the search while also trying to spark a conversation between them.

🔴 - "So uh... Hamato is your... name, isn't?"

🟠 - (That voice... sounds familiar) "Hum... yeah, I got it from my father."

🔴 - "Wow! Really? That's adorable." Raph was trying to sound genuinely surprised

🟠 - "Thanks...? Hum... why are you here, again?"

🔴 - "I uh... was looking for you actually, I wanted to.... y'know... talk with you."

🟠- "About?..."

🔴 - "Well uh.... do you... have any family around?"

🟠- "....."

🔴 - "...?"

🟠- "What... no... WHO are you?"

🔴 - "What?!"

🟠- "Why do you wanna know?! Did you really came to me just to nag me like that?!!"

🔴 - "N-nag?! No no no no!! You got it all wrong! I was just.."

🟠- "Please just... get out of here! Or I'll report you to Riley."

🔴 - "Hey hey hey, big man!! T-there's no need to be so harsh now..."

🟠- (He's nervous... he's up to something!) "I'll do whatever has to be done and YOU can't stop me!"

🔴 - "LISTEN, I'm TRYING to reason with you!"



🟠- "!!!"

🔴 - "Darn it, Michael! I'm trying to talk to... you.... Mikey?..."

He was crying, confused and conflicted, Michelangelo froze in place with a face of pure shock and terror as Red felt the deep blind stare seeing right through him, those teary whitened eyes glaring at the nowhere sent chills down his spine... more like... shell.

🔴 - "Mi... H-Hamato?....."

🟠- "H-how do you know about... no one knows about that... what the hell..."

🔴 - "W-wait! Look, Mikey, I can explain..!"

In a moment of panic, Hamato freaked out and pulled out his spiked mace, positioning himself for a battle.




🟠- "Buck!!?!

🔴 - "Who?!"

🦂- "H-Hamato! I'll... uh..." 

Before anyone could say anything, Michelangelo ran out the door and they lost sight of him in a blink of an eye, Raph tried to run after his little brother, but he was stopped by Buckley, who shoved him into the tent for a serious lecture.


🔴 - "T-that's none of your bussiness!!"

🦂- "You just scared of one of the biggest power houses of the Revolution, you WILL tell me what happened in here, that's if you don't want me to report you for assault!"

🔴 - "What?! But I didn't lay a finger on him!!"

🦂- "Explain to the Capitain, moron!"

🔴 - "I don't have time for this! I have to go after my little brother!!"

🦂- "Little.... brother?..."

🔴 - "Michelangelo, he's my baby brother! I don't know if he ever told you guys about us, but my name is Raphael, Raphael Hamato, and the two guys that came with me are Leonardo and Donatello. We are here for our brother.

🦂- "Ra... phael?... I heard... Michael told us about them before... but how can I know you're not lying?!"

🔴 - "?.... I'm a turtle as well...? How much more proof you want?"

🦂- "So... just because you guys happen to have a similar built chestplate onto your body... that's supposed to mean that you're related?"

🔴 - "I mean... yeah, I guess."

🦂- "But you look nothing alike!"

🔴 - "Wha... how so?"

🦂- "You are a large and bulky guy with spikes across your body, that blue one is a slender and athletic looking guy with stripes all over him, the purple one is more scrawny and not quite built to be a fighter, but he does have a lot of brain, and also a strange rectangular pattern on his shoulders and thigh sides.... now tell me, how are those traits anything alike Hamato's?"

🔴 - "..... ok, you do kinda have a point there, but you HAVE to believe me, please!"

🦂- "Look, I don't think it's a good idea, maybe you should check with your other... brothers... if you guys can come up with anything, I'm not gonna turn on my leader."

🔴 - "Can you... really not help us? We are desperate, we just want to take our brother back home and..."


🔴 - "What? Emergency call?"

🦂- "It's a request for back up... THE OTHER BATTALIONS ARE ALL IN THE BATTLEFIELDS?!?"

🔴 - "Wait, ALL OF THEM?!?"


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