Chapter 2 - Shock

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🍀- "You don't know?"

🟠 - "I'm joining AN ARMY?!?!"

🍀- "Well, yes, I imagined you were already told that."


🍀- "My goodness... that's sort of concerning."

🟠 - "I know, I mean... Do ya really need me anyway? Are we fighting a war? Or something?"

🍀- "Yes, in fact, you seem to be reliable for our forces to keep fighting."

🟠 - "fighting? Fighting against who? What are you fighting for?"

🍀- "Dictators, they violently oppressed thousands of our people, and the former rules agreed with their terms and sacrifice their subjects in exchange of wealth and status, not to mention the horrible conditions they left the population in."

🟠 - "Oh.... gosh.... that sounds... awful..."

🍀- *nods*

🟠 - "I... I guess there's not much to do then... right? Can't I quit?"

🍀- "I am afraid that's not how it works here."

🟠 - *sigh* ".... ok, I guess I'll help then..."
(I mean, what other choice do I have?)

🍀- "Very well then, you'll be shipped out to the base of your assigned battalion by the afternoon, try to eat something before leaving, it's a long ride with no stops, be prepared."

🟠 - "Uh.... hum.... O-ok sir."

The General stands up and leaves the room, as the stunned turtle feels like the world suddenly crumbled in front of his very eyes, what did he just do? Why did he accepted? Question after questioning haunted his troubled mind, as he reflected on the situation.

Time flies and Mikey can't get a blink of sleep, the big alarm startled him, it's time to get up already and he was not feeling ready for what's to come, he gets up from the arranged bed and goes for food, another soldier guides him around the military campus to a cafeteria for breakfast, he receives a certain amount of food and has little to no time to feed himself but he manages just fine, he follows a group of people under direct order and accompanies them on the training session, in a blink of eyes, noon arrives, he is led back to the cafeteria and rushes to the eating area for a last meal before what he believes is going to be a trip straight to hell, battlefields, weaponry, tragedy, a true pandemonium for his soul to crawl in anxiety by the mere thought of it, he never faced something like this, it's different, it's one thing to save the world by the side of his brothers to a limited and known threat, but this... he'll be fighting alone, he's still not fully sure if he'll make out alive, he didn't say goodbye to his brothers, he will never be able to see them again, or tell them how much he loves and cares for them, he misses them so much, there's nothing he wouldn't do if it meant to see them again, to see Raph's smile of relief, to hear Leo's stupid puns as he embraces him with his bright green arms, to have a chance to tell Donnie all about that place for him to write down or smt, he was always interested in multiverse stuff anyway.

Before he could catch his thoughts, a shadow arised from his back, Captain Fort, such a frightening presence, his deep stare from high up looked right through his skull as if a king watched a peasant clean a muddy floor, the superiority is clear, Mikey feels like an ant looking up to a skyscraper, the Captain stands out his hand and helps the boy out of his seat and leads him to a carriage, he hops in, no bags or anything, he has nothing to bring along, he has nothing at all, the door is shut and the carriage takes off, Mikey looks out the small side window and remembers... that's gonna be a long long trip, with this in mind, he shuts his eyes softly and almost immediately sleeps in a deep rest, his mind feels like a crashed ship, falling apart and sinking silently, it's quiet, he wakes up a couple of hours later and they're not there yet, the distance of this path is no lie, it's long and deserted, he sits back up and waits for whatever coming, finally, they arrive, Michelangelo is greeted by a local guide, they show him his tend and introduces him to his 5 new roommates who were just talking to eachother until they showed up:

🦝 - Jeremiah (Jerry) *Tech developer*

🦇 - Luka *Armory specialists*

🦂 - Buck (Buckley) *Great w/ bombs*

🐱 - Nicholas *Weaponry master*

⚜ - Riley *battle strategist*

Having met all of them, he sets himself on top of a bunker bed and takes a nap, the top beds are not a very disputed spot among the soldier due to the closeness to the ceiling, Mikey is quite smaller than them so they assume it's fine, Buckley takes notice of how odd this new recruit really is, he was looking tired, his eyes looked lifeless, without a single shine or shimmer, he had nothing on him, not even a backpack, just some uniform and basic clothes that are given away to them, he attracts Jerry's attention and call out these weird details he noticed about the turtle guy, Jerry feels bad about him, assuming he was probably some homeless kid that signed up for the army because he had nothing else to do or something, the other roommates listen to the conversation and took pity on the guy, when Mikey wakes up, Riley approaches him and calls him over for a talk, which he refuses, but before Riley could speak up, the whole battalion to the front camps for a daily report and announcement, Michelangelo jumps to the floor and puts the uniform's outfit, it's kinda simple, but it reminds him of the outfits from Hamilton, it feels nice, he gets ready and marches to the main area where everyone is gathered.

He watches the Captain walk into a platform and make a speech, it was no big deal, he heard stuff like this from his brothers all the time, so he just stared while spacing out, everyone was paying some attention to the Captain, but he was disconnected from everything around him, only his sight remained, he started to look up to the bright blue sky, until something caught his eye, behind the clouds, a star... wait no... a... meteor? no... A FIRE BALL!! IS THAT A DIRECT ATTACK!?!? IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING THIS??

Mikey shook his head around to see if anyone noticed it, apparently not, the fire ball seemed to be rising fast to soon collide with the whole camp, he panics, not knowing what to do, does he run? Does he stay? Does he... SCREAM!!!

In a moment of raw despair he climbs some random tall dude's back and catches the attention of everyone from the crowd and the Captain with a single word, he stands up on the stranger's back, points to the fire ball going on their direction, and with all the air he can hold within his lungs, he screams at the top of his very lungs with such a loud voice that the whole camp was able to hear, he screamed:


The warning quickly alerts the captain that summons a bunch of small force fields to try and protect the territory, the Fire ball crashes, the tends are mostly fine, but there's a lot of injured people, gladly no deaths were caused by the accident, the Captain was caught off guard, that attack was planned, it was no accident or coincidence, if it wasn't for the little warrior, they could have died, this was unexpected, hopefully there will be no more of those, this was the first time they received an attack like that, and the scale of the attack... it was severely worrying.

(Chapter 3 in the making)

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