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I'm yelling.

Everyone's yelling.

Diana just said goodbye. Shes shot. Nick Fury is yelling.

Breathe Peter.

Why did the Parker luck have to get her. Her? My Diana? Shes bleeding out. Mr. Fury is yelling things at me. Im crying and I can't stop.


Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers are trying to see who did it. They know. But they don't want to admit it. Mr. Stark runs back to us.

"Kid?! Friday scan her now!" Iron man says mad, but you can here the fear in his voice.

May. How am I supposed to tell May? Im hyperventilating. She'll be okay. Shes strong.


I tune everyone out. It takes some time considering is very very very loud in here. I try to here for anything a heartbeat, a twitch,

A breath.

I can't hear it. I can hear anything.

"Please Diana, don't leave me here." I don't know if I say it out loud or in my head. I don't know if I yell or whisper. But all I know is that's what's going through my head.

Someone grabs my shoulder, they didn't ask. Their trying to pull me away from her.

No. No. No. No. No. No.

"Let go." I say.

"Peter, Tony will help." It's a voice. Feminine, raspy, stern. May? I watch as Diana's body is out on a gurney. I try to follow but (maybe) May is holding me back.

I finally turn and see her. Ms. Romanoff. Shes keeping me from her. May isn't here. May doesn't know. May doesn't know.


Ms. Romanoff pulls me into a hug. I must need one? I hug her tightly and everything comes out.

'I can't lose her.'

'May. What about May?'

'She needs me. I need her!'

I fall to the ground and shes still hugging me.

"She's going to be okay. Tony found a heartbeat." She whispers and runs her hands through my hair.

I'm crying into her leather jacket. She doesn't mind. Wait. Tony found a heartbeat? Diana's alive?

"Di-di-" I can even say her name. "She's alive?" I sniffle.


I hug her so tightly, I hear her gasp. Shes hugging me back.

"Can-can I see her? Please." I ask/beg.

"I'm sorry, Peter. She's in surgery right now. She will soon be out. Would you like anything?" She asks me in a very kind voice. Like May. A mom voice. Mom?

"Can you just stay with me please?" My voice breaks.

"For however long you need, kid." We sit down on the floor and she puts an arm around me.

It takes everything in me not to cry. But I know she won't care, she would just hold me tighter. I know she would. Shes going to be okay.


She's actually not okay. She's on the verge of death. Tony doesn't know if she'll make it. He has the best surgeons in New York working on her, a teenager.

But, we don't know if she'll make it. The chance of her living is low. Low low.

Peter doesnt need to know. Neither does his aunt.

I lay him down in my lap, im pretty sure he's fallen asleep.

These children do not deserve this. They are so young. So free. But so trapped.

I get a text from Nick, it says 'she's okay, unconscious but fine, she will live'.

I tell Peter what I heard.

"Really! Thank you so much! I'm so happy! Can we go see her?" He exclaims and bombards me with even more questions.

We go to her bed, we're still in the compound because Tony is so much and doesn't trust hospitals or something?


I make it to Dianas room and she's just laying there, she's breathing, but she's pale.

My best friend got shot by her dad and spiderman did even do anything, what am I good for?

I notice her hand twitch, I grab it quickly and nervous, I'm constantly checking her heart beat, making sure it's beating, just incase the machines are wrong.

I think I fall asleep because its morning now? Im still in the chair by Dianas bed though? So who really knows what happened?

"Peter?" Diana whispers out, shes okay!

I grab her hand again, "yeah Diana?"

"Hurt, it hurts." She says barley above a whisper, I can hardly hear.

"It's okay, youll be okay Diana!" I whisper back hopefully.


I wake up in pain, but peters here, I love him. Hes always here for me.

I squeeze his hand I'm scared to let go, scared to die, but scared ill lose him even more, I can lose my best friend, not yet.

But Peter whispers to me that ill be okay.

I'm okay.


so that's the end of this book, sorry it took so long and it's still so short!

But basically it ends with their happy ending if anyone wants ill start book 2!!


anyways! comment vote and share!!

dont forget to eat and drink!! i love you all and stay safe!!


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