stark intership

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Dianas POV

Me and Peter walked into the tall and bright building. Too be greeted by his assistance. Mr. Happy Hogan I wonder why they call him "Happy" he always looks pissed off really.

"Welcome to Stark Industries." He says bluntly. Then Mr. Stark walks out of the elevator, along with Bruce Banner!!! He's probably one of my favorite after Natasha. Can I call her that.

"Happy. What are you still doing here I ask for a coffee." Stark says. "Yes right away sir." Happy says happy to leave.

"So you must be Peter." He says pointing at him, and his eyes beam and he grabs my arm shaking it slightly.

"So are you going to answer him, Parker?" I say sarcastically.

"O-oh right um, yeah I'm Peter!" He says very obviously nervous.

"I'm Diana by the way just here to observe." I say. "Also hi Mr Bruce Banner!! You're kind of like one of my favorite Avengers!!!" I say finally happy to be here.

"O-oh um me? Th-thank you! No one really remembers me for me they just think of the hulk.." He answers back.

"Now that we've introduced ourselves let's get to work." Mr Stark says.

Peter's POV

I'm literally working with THE Tony Stark right now and what is Diana doing? Sitting a corner on her phone. But it's fine I enjoy working with him and Dr Banner.

"So kid—what do you like to do for fun?" Mr Stark asks.

"Well uh I like to do complicated legos with my friend Ned I also love to hang out with my girlfriend MJ, I love going to her house her grandma makes the best food!!" I saw excited now.

"You are pretty smart kid, I could see you working right with me and jolly green over here."

"Whattt nooo I couldn't do that. I'm not that smart Mr Stark!!" I answer him nervously.

"Yes you are Peter!! Your like the smartest kid in school!" Diana speaks again, and I tilt my head in confusion. "He's really smart, sir. I could see him working with you too." She goes back on her phone again she's probably texting MJ if I'm being honest.

Me and Mr Stark are working a Miss Romanoff widow bites and her new weapons with the same bites when Diana walks over bored now.

"Heyyyy Peterrrrrr" she says.

"Yesss Diana?"

"I'm bored as fuck, oh shit can I cuss here? Or am I going to get a trouble??" She asks the genius.

"I don't care I'm not your dad" He replied. I notice Diana slighty squint her eyes and tilt her head.

"Sooooo can I meet the other Avengers?!" She asks. "Sure why not I'll call some of them down." He says back to her.

"Really?!" I ask. "Yes children, they aren't busy right now." He answers unphased.

"Damn okay." She says back.

Not every Avenger walks in but enough did. Natasha, Steve, Bruce, Thor, and Clint walk in to see Tony and me first.

"Everyone meet my Peter and his friend Diana." The genius says.

"Hi!" Diana says over excited.

"Hi- uh- i thin- you al-" I start stuttering because those are the Avengers. "Peter?" Diana looks at me with kind eyes. "Pete are you okay?" She says.

"Yeah I'm great!" I say but I'm actually freaking the fuck out.


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