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"What?" He asks, confused for a second.

"I think Peter hates me." I sigh out again.

"Why do you think that, Diana?" Sam asks me calmy. I wish I was as calm as him.

"Well, i -" I see Peter just standing there looking at me. Shit.

"You th-think I hate you?" Peters voice shaking while he walks closer to me and Sam.

"Why would I think that Pete? You said it yourself 'I don't know you anymore, Diana.' So forgive me for getting the wrong fucking message, Parker." I tell him harshly.

"Diana," He tries to put his hand on my shoulder. I back away. He frowns, almost crying. I don't care. I do though, I care about him a lot. But what he said to me, that's unforgivable. "Let me explain please?"

"Sam can you go inside?" I turn my head away from Peter. "Yeah but if you need me, come find me, okay?" Sam answers in return.

"Okay" I say and he walks inside. "What do you want." I ask Peter.

"I just want to explain Diana. You have to listen to m-"

"I don't have to do anything!! You did even give me a chance to defend myself before yo-"

"I REALIZED WHAT I DID AFTER YOU LEFT!! I wanted to tell you! I want to apologize. I get if you don't want to hear it but Diana I am so sorry for what I said. I would like you to understand I said what I did because there is a lot of things you haven't told me, and I never pushed you, so when i heard those things about you, I was hurt that I was learning it that way."

"You know what Peter? I hear a lot of 'I want', your talking about yourself while trying to defend what your saying. You do realize that's not helping you? Your pushing you further away from me, and I'll I want it for you to understand. So I'll help you understand." I answer him.

"You- what? Diana-?" I cut him off.

"You wanna know why I didn't tell you about him? Because I knew you would react like this. I knew you would say something dumb then try to apologize for something you don't understand, I can't be mad at you I guess, I haven't helped you understand." That last part was mainly said to myself.

"Peter, the things he's done to me is unforgivable. He's left me for days, alone, as a child. He abuses me Peter, I was a Hydra Agent. I've killed people in his name. I've killed people so he would like me. I've done unforgivable things just for his praise, his approval, for him. I was obsessed with his approval. But he didn't want anything to do with me. So sometimes I went days without food, because he didn't deem it a necessity, he's almost killed me because, 'I needed to be stronger.' Peter, I've almost died for hanging out with you." I tell him most of the truth, more of it and it would kill him. I don't want that.

"Diana i—" he stops talking and walks up and hugs me tightly. I hug him back.

"I'm sorry." He says softly.

"Don't say that bullshit Pete, me and you both know it's just words that don't mean shit."

Yes, you could say I'm being mean, but I'm just being honest. I've been told 'sorry' so many times in my life that it just ends up as another meaningless sentence. I feel bad that I just dumped that all on Peter. But he wanted to know. Don't bite off more then you can chew.

I sit back down on the bench, Peter mimicks me.

"But I truly am sorry Diana. I shouldnt have said that. It was so inconsiderate of me. You deserve so much more than that. Especially with what your going through with your dad." Peter tells me, with truth and kindness in his words.

"I'm sorry for making this whole situation about me. I should've considered how you were feeling in the situation. You didn't know anything and I blew up at you and I am so very sorry Peter. You are my best friend and I got mad at you too easily. I am sorry." I apologize to him with the same tone.

I move closer to him and put my head on his shoulder, he puts his head on mine.

We sit in a comfortable silence, I'm pretty sure it's only comfortable because we both are deep in thought.

I can't believe at how mad I was at Peter. My best friend? The guy who's been with me, for like ever. I was mad at him for something that wasn't even his fault. It was mine. Our friendship almost ended because of me. I wasn't even trying with him and I just was so mad. I wasn't mad at him though, that's the issue, I was mad at everyone and everything. I was mad at tony, and Ms. Romanoff. They were sharing things they didn't know anything about and acted like they did.

"Peter? How the hell am I supposed to walk back in there." I ask him slightly joking but mostly not.

"Well, I have to walk back in there too. So we could do it together." He answers my silly question.

"Really? But you love them and I don't want to ruin your relationship even more." I tell him. It's just hit me that I ruined any type of relationship he could have with the Avengers and I walked in like a bulldozer and ruined it. It's unforgivable.

"You haven't ruined anything. Its them."

"Peter, I just don't want you to think of them different, I know how much you love them and how much you look up to them." I feel bad.

"Diana," he stands up, I do the same. "I shouldn't have glorified them. Like you said."

My heart is about to shatter, why would I say that to him.


My phone buzzes. I look at it.


Hey kiddo.


Oh my god? So much just happened holy shirt.

I started watching the good place!!

Dont be a ghost reader!! Vote and comment!!

Also, dont forget to hydrate and eat.

I love you all and bye for now!!


Wrong Number KiddoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt