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Third person

im sooooo boredddddd 😪

What do you want me to do about the kid?

idk man i was just complaining :(

I hate kids

me and peter met the avengers
it was lowkey boring
you have the same name has tony stark!!

It's an common name so?

ohhhh righttt!!
anyways i have to go..
im at school in class 😪
unfortunately i wish i was smart

Pay attention kiddo
Or else you'll fail

okay okay
byee Tony!!

bye kid.

Dianaa POV

"Peterrrrr!! Help me please!" I ask Peter. "Di you should've been paying attention!" He whisper-shouts back.

"I know I know, but I was talking to our new friend Tony!!" I reply.

"Diana it's our last class and it's not even hard. And you don't know 'Tony', he might be a killer. I'll help you after school." Peter speaks out.

"You forgot? I have to go to my dad's for today and tomorrow." I sigh out and put my head down.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry Diana." He spoke and put his hand on my back. "I know probably just gonna be there for like 5 hours and those will be spent sleeping." I smile out on that last part.

"You need a better sleeping schedule." Peter says slightly laughing now.

The bell rings.

Shit. I'm so not ready. Holy shit I can't do this. What the fuck was I thinking?!?! My dad wants me there?! What the he-

"Diana!?" Peter shouts. "Are you okay you havent packed up yet!" He says concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine Peter!" I tell him with kind eyes.

He walks me outside, tells me that he will be going to his internship and that I should join him again. I tell him I'll think about it because off my dad. We exchange goodbyes and I start walking with my headphone in one ear. The one on the inside of the sidewalk.

I have to hear everything that's happening. In case you haven't noticed I don't live in the safest place on earth. But you have to make the most of what you got right? Anyways I'm almost home Im just have to walk up to our small house. Im lucky to have my own room. There are 2 bedrooms, small, I only have a bed and dresser in there, and 1 bathroom.

That would be an issues for most women and their father because of periods and pregnancy. But I don't have a uterus! Yay. That was sarcasm. My dad got it taken out when i was little. He paid the doctors and they did it. What a bitch. But I've never been fond of kids anyways.

"Dad, I'm home!" I yell out with no expectation of an answer. But to my surprise.

"Hey sugar." He says. I can practically taste the drugs and alcohol in his breath.

"Heyy, so I was wondering if I could go with my friend to their place?" I tell him.

"Thank god you want to leave! Your only here because my girlfriend didn't believe you exist. Also be back at like 8 because our date will be done by that time. Maybe 9 because we might do adult things in the bedroom." He tells me with the words just talking out of his mouth like he doesn't know what he's saying. "Um okay great.." I put my headphone back in and start walking to the tower.

God, I hate walking but I don't have a car. Unfortunately we are broke. And by 'we' I mean me. I am broke.

I have a job at a McDonalds. A fucking McDonalds. The place will hire anyone that can talk. You know how embarrassing that shit is. To work at a McDonalds. But I have to go to college and pay for it. I don't take money fork anyone. I don't care who it is, a homeless man who wants to give me some for helping, or Tony Stark himself. If I want something I earn it. Peter will probably get a scholarship. I hope he does I don't want May to be anxious about not being able to pay for it.

Hey I'm here at the tower.

Peter are you there?

Yeah I see you look to your left

Holy fuck I'm dumb I see you too

How the hell are you in AP classes 🤨
Your so dumb

Shut up 😪
See you soon

"Peter!!" I say and wrap my arms around his neck. We're basically the same height expect I'm an inch shorter than him. What. a. dick. I've haven't grown since the 8th grade!

"Diana!! I'm so glad your here I don't know how I would meet Tony Stark on my own!" Peter rambles.

"Peter you've already met him, now you just have to make conversations. You only get one shot at a first impression. And you've done splendid at that."

"Thanks Diana, are you ready?" He puts his arm out as a joke.

"Of course Peter." I laughed and loop our arms together.

"Ahh my two favorite young adults" the genius says without sarcasm (strange, is he high?).

"H-hey Mr Stark." Peter says nervous but with more confidence than before, making progress.

"Hi Mr Stark!!" I go to hug him. He doesnt do anything but stand there and looks slightly embarassed. When I'm done I go stand by Peter again and they start talking about random science stuff.

I wish I didn't rely on touch. But I don't. If you don't touch me I will just assume you don't like me. Peters not like that though, he likes words over touch. Words. Promises. Lies. Heart broken. Gone. But with touch I like to believe at least you had something there and they just stopped feeling it and moved on. But promises are always just words, and if I remember anything if it's not documented it didn't happen. Which is why words with never be enough for me.

Mr. Stark is like a dad to Peter I can see it. He is like a dad to us.

Holy shit, this chapter took forever 😭. ANYWAYS I FINISHED UNRAVEL ME THAT SHIT WAS SO GOOD I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT (it's apart of the series of shatter me). I LOVE YOU ALL AND HAVE A SPECTACULAR DAY OR NIGHT!! Don't be a ghost reader 😉😁

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