“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” standing a few steps away from me, she folded her arms.

“Oh, so now you don’t know? Not only that you’re a gold digger but also a liar, going back on your own words. Yeah, I see professionalism.”

“What words,” she asked, pretending to be confused, “When did I ever say that?”

“Maybe you’re so used to of saying all this that you don’t remember what you’ve said to whom.”

“I really don’t know what you’re accusing me of,” her voice became a notch higher as she moved in my direction, “but I will not take this bullying anymore.”

“Feel free to leave me then,” I said with finality, as there was no point in having this conversation, there was none to begin with. My blood boils at the mere sight of her, but when I have to talk to her, I can’t think straight anymore.

I didn’t know it was possible to hate someone with this much passion.

“I won’t!” again with that same confidence, that same arrogance.


“Yeah, I won’t leave. And do you know why? Because I’m not the only one who signed the contract, you did too. So why am I the only one facing the consequences? I see no change in your life.” She pointed a finger at me.

“Don’t you fucking dare point a finger at me,” I said through clenched teeth and held her finger. How dare she?

“Let go of my finger,” I didn’t; instead, I gripped it tighter.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Let go of my finger, you idiot caveman.” I see her struggling, and she’s trying hard to make me release it. Seeing her withering gives me peace, her heartbeat has become erratic.
Once again, I realized how tiny she is. Right now, she’s like a deer that’s about to be devoured by a lion.

I overcame the feeling of breaking her finger and let it go with a jerk.

She instantly held it with her other hand and tried to soothe it. I can see that it has turned red with all the pressure. Her eyes have become watery.

It instantly made me regret my behavior because I’m not an abusive man, and I never endorse such behavior for anyone. Forcing yourself on a woman because she’s weaker than you is the lowest a man can go.

I’m better than that.

Maybe you’re not, as you’ve been verbally abusing her as well since day one.

“Are you crazy or what? Don't you dare touch me!” she pushed me,  it wasn’t even enough to make me budge.

I wanted to apologize, but my ego and hatred got the best of me. So instead of that, I said:

“That should teach you. Now get out” I walked back to sit on my chair when she held my arm and stopped me.

“We’re not done yet.” She said as she blinked her eyes to get rid of her tears, but her voice became even more firm than before.

How pestering can she be?

I glared at her from up close, a glare that everyone feared, but she didn’t budge, just like before she took the challenge head-on and stared back at me.

“We are.” With that, I looked at her hand, and she realized that her hand is still laying on my arm. She removed it instantly.

“No, we are not,” she raised her voice, “we need to talk. I need your answer.”

“What the fuck do you want to talk about?” I shouted as she was getting on my nerves. I can see a hint of shock on her face, she’s clearly taken aback.  

I’m not the one to shout because shouting is an indication of your emotions that you don’t have control over.

And I don’t like not being in control.

You’re feeling guilty, so you just want to avoid the situation.

She’s bringing out the worst in me. It’s because of her I’m reacting like this.

She’s doing nothing to you; it’s you making matters worst for her and yourself!

“My career, dammit, what else?”

“What career? You don’t fucking have one! You’re just a spoilt little brat who wants to be the boss when you don’t know shit,” I lashed out, a thunder raging in my voice and mind, “people who want a career don’t make choices that you’ve made. This is just a new project, a new experience for you to brag about, knowing very well that you don’t deserve it. What did you think the results would be to your actions? Do you have any idea how hard it is to even step into this building or to get a job here? The most competent people in the country, the very best in the business, get to work here. Forget that, do you have any idea how many applications we receive every day just for internships? Have you ever done one? So how did you think I’ll let an opportunist like you be a part of it just because of a fucking piece of contract?”     

Silence reigned heavy in the room after my outburst. I feel frustrated with her presence.

I can’t recall when was the last time I lost my temper like this was.

None of us talked for a while until she chose to break the silence, of course.

“I’ll do it!” I looked at her with an unnoticeably raised eyebrow while her eyes gleamed.

“I’ll do the internship,” out of all that I said, this is what she picked up on? “although I disagree with everything else that you said. You don’t know shit about me, so don’t just go about assuming and accusing and judging my potentials. And i won't insult myself either by narrating it to you that how competent I am because, honestly, your approval would mean nothing to me, but for your kind information, I know what an internship is, and I have done one. It’s part of the curriculum.” Is she even for real?

“Anyways, this is perfect; I’ll do the internship and prove how wrong you are about me; at the end of it, I’ll be a part of the team to work on this project, an equal partner working on the basis of merit” I wanted to snub her right there, but she didn’t let me talk, “ ONLY if I’ll be up to the company’s standards. If not, I’ll step back myself. Deal?”

I can’t imagine how stupid she is. She herself handed me her death warrant.

“Besides, it’s a win-win for you. I’ll be out of your face for good.”

She tried to tempt me without knowing that I was in already. I can’t wait for it to blow up in her face.


And this arrangement didn’t need any handshakes as it was meant to be doomed.


Author’s note:   

What is this we're hearing? Does this sound like shouts of the ever-so-composed Elijah Alexander Norman or is it the roaring dangerous sea?

Who knows!

Aye, aye! Our girl is impacting his sanity and she's oblivious to it too.😂

That's Hannah for you!

Quick question: does anyone of you know what Elijah is accusing her of?

If so, leave a comment and let's see how many of you remember?

Minus 10 for those who have no idea! 😠

See you all soon😘😘😘

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