New Prizes + Tea 🍵

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Now since this book has been out for a decent amount of time, I'm going to do more promo for it to fill up the few remaining slots.

For starters, Taehyung, ships, oneshots, and Jimin are almost full. Please apply now if you haven't already as this is first come first serve.

New Prizes:

I'm giving out prizes to certain people who share this story around.

Here are the prizes I am offering:

- A follow from my new account

- Comments on your story to help boost you in the algorithm (you can choose which story you want comments on)

- Votes on every chapter in the story

- I will post your profile as a mini winner of this awards contest. Winners will get their own chapter in this book to celebrate their victory.

Bonus prizes for people who get hyung line fanfic writers to apply:

- A follow from three accounts

- Comments on up to five stories of yours to help boost you in the algorithm

- Votes on every chapter of up to five stories of yours

- A short review of one of your books (NOT the book you sent in for this contest); the review will be posted publicly to help promote your book

- A special thank you on my message board

- Like the general prizes, you will get your profile posted as a mini winner

I will ask the hyung line fanfic writers if anyone sent them to the awards, which is how I will know you sent them :)

Do at least two of these to be eligible for the prizes:

- Tag at least 10 people

- Vote on this chapter and every other chapter in the book if you haven't already

- Go around asking writers (through pms, comments, or message boards) if they would be interested in this awards book. If you're doing this, do it to at least 5 writers

- Promote the book in one of your books; it can be any book of your choice. My recommendation would be to promo it in the book you've submitted to this awards show.

This will end on July 9th.

Note: If you go around asking writers through comments or message boards, make sure to say they're hosted by me (AKA: tag me so I know you're going around and asking people)

@Ravendipity is my username.

Note 2: Everyone who does this will be awarded the prizes, so it's not a first, second, or third place thing. As long as you do at least 2 of the things, you will be awarded your prizes!

I will be giving prizes out after July 9th to give hyung line fanfic writers a chance to sign up.

Ask your questions here <3


So it has come to my attention that a few people who shall not be named have been copying my ideas. Most of these people have talked to me before, so I know they know about my awards and ideas in said awards.

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