Criteria (Read This)

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I strongly recommend reading this because it gives you a clue of how your story is going to be judged.

I am the only judge because I feel that is fair to everyone. You will be evaluated based on the same exact things, and I am being transparent about what those things are. I will read the entire book regardless of length, so if you're someone like me, who likes doing character development throughout the course of an entire story, no worries. I'll see the full development!

With that being said, in order of importance, here is what I am judging:

1. Characters

2. Plot

3. Worldbuilding

4. Pacing

5. Themes

6. Consistency

7. Creativity

8. Grammar

9. Spelling

10. Cover and blurb

Now I will explain the criteria:

1. Characters are my favorite part of every story. If you have amazing characters but a weak plot, you will still have a solid story in my eyes.

2. Plot for obvious reasons. It doesn't have to be the most unique plot in the world, but is it well-written and makes sense?

3. Worldbuilding is for every genre, not just things like sci fi/fantasy. How do you talk about the world your characters are living in? Even if they're in New York City, there should be some worldbuilding, even if it's minor (i.e., What do the streets look like? What is the NYC culture?)

4. Slow pacing can drag a story. Fast pacing can give readers no time to comprehend what they just read. I will be judging you by the pace at which you tell the story and if you do it well.

5. Themes are self-explanatory.

6. Are you consistent with your plots/characters? Are there major plot holes or moments where the characters don't act like their established selves?

7. Creativity doesn't refer to the story itself, but the way you tell it. Do you overuse cliché phrases like "My heart skipped a beat?" That's what I'm talking about.

8. Everyone makes grammar mistakes so I really don't care about grammar too much. I'm only going to take off points if there are consistent and major grammar mistakes.

9. Same with grammar. Everyone makes spelling mistakes and typos. As long as the spelling is overall okay, I'm not going to take off points.

10. Cover and blurbs are important to draw a reader in, but they do not dictate how good a story is, so I will not be judging too harshly. I also understand not everyone has the resources to create covers.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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