Part 11

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Now that Julie was gone I took my chance to send a text to Quinn who, despite what everyone else thought, wasn't dead. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and pulled up mine and Quinn's conversation.

E: Why the fuck would you tell Julie that I kissed someone at the party?

Q: You're getting attatched. She's going to fuck with your head. You can't be distracted.

E: Stop fucking around and stick to your part of the plan. You're ruining her trust for me. Did you see the way she looked at me when Mindy announced me as one of the suspects? She lost trust for me and got suspicious.

Q: Fine. Speaking of. Someone needs to take care of Mindy. She's getting too close to the truth.

I didn't reply. I sighed and slipped my phone back into my pocket. My father looked up at me from across the room. He gave me a confused look.

"Where's Julie and Tara?" He asked everyone out loud.

"They're just taking a moment." Kirby replied.

My father gave me another look.

"I'll go check on Julie." I said as I started walking out towards where Julie had went earlier.

I opened a door to another area where I saw Tara and Julie sitting against the wall on the floor together.

"Hey guys. Are you okay?" I asked sitting next to Julie.

"Yeah. We're okay." Julie smiled at me.

"Okay. I just- I don't know you seemed a little overwhelmed earlier." I said.

"Don't worry. We're all good now." Tara said.

That's when Kirby walked in.

"Hey. Why are you all on the floor?" She chuckled.

"No reason." Julie answered.

"Okay? Never mind then. I've got a plan but I need you and Tara for it." Kirby said addressing Julie.

"Okay. What's the plan?"

"I need you, Sam and Tara to be in Central Park and hope that Ghostface calls you. When he does I'm going to trace his location. Wherever he may be. And if he's at Central Park then Detective Bailey will arrest him." She said.

"Oh. Okay. Uhm is that.. safe?" Julie asked worried.

"I can't promise you it will be." Kirby sighed.

Julie sighed and looked at me. I tilted my head to the side and gave her a "are you really doing this?" look. She put a hand on my cheek and stroked it slightly with the pad of her thumb.

"I'll be fine Ethan. Besides. You'll be right there with me right?" She smiled slightly but I knew she was scared.

"Yeah. Absolutely." I said.

"Okay. Then let's do it." She said looking back at Kirby.

I stood up and then helped Julie stand up and Kirby helped Tara stand up. Then we all walked together so we could exit the theatre. We met up with the rest of the group outside, who were already pitched in on what was going to happen. Well shit this was going to be one hell of a ride.


Me, Tara and Sam were now in the park. Walking slowly. Looking around us anxiously. Just waiting to become prey. Bailey was sat on a park bench a bit further away with an earpiece in. Me, Sam and Tara also had earpieces in which was connected to where the rest of the group was sitting in a surveillance van. There was a mic there as well so we could hear what they were saying. I heard a crunching noise coming from one of the mic's.

His final scream- Ethan Landry x readerWhere stories live. Discover now