Part 7

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That same night after me and Ethan had shared that intimate moment we were sitting in the living room again, cuddling on the couch. It was only me and Ethan. It was very late so everyone had gone to bed. I looked up at Ethan who had also dozed off. At about 1 AM I got a call. Who the hell was calling me at 1 AM? I dug through the couch to find my phone. I shot up when I saw who was calling.

"What the fuck?" I said.

Since I sat up so quickly it woke Ethan up and he sat up with me.

"What is it?" He asked and looked down at my phone.

The caller ID read "Richie Kirsch." I had never removed his number from my contacts. I pressed the green button and brought it to my ear. Ethan was just sitting next to me and waiting for me to tell him what was happening.

"Hello Julie." The caller said in ghost face's voice.

"What do you want?" I said shakily.

"Aw. You're scared. How cute. I bet your friends Sam and Tara were scared tonight too. Seeing their faces was so thrilling." He said.

"Sam. Tara." I said dropping my phone and running out of the apartment.

"Julie where are you going?" Ethan called out after me.

I ran out of the door and down the stairs. I nearly tumbled down all of the stairs on my way down. My heart was pounding in my ears. I heard Ethan call out my name from upstairs but I didn't listen. I ran out of the complex and out on the street. It was hard to think straight. Which way was the police station? Fuck! Why couldn't I think. I took a chance and ran to the right and kept running down the street. I took a turn and ran until I saw police cars outside of a bodega. No. God please no. I felt the tears run down my face. I put my hand up to cover my mouth as my heart was slowing down.

That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. I turned around to see Ethan and the rest. I guess he woke them up.

"Sam and Tara. I don't- where are they?" I said.

That's when I saw EMT's bringing out body bags.

I saw an officer and walked up to him.

"Where are they? Sam and Tara carpenter." I said demanding answers, tears still falling from my face.

"Ma'am this is still a crime scene. You are not to enter." The officer said.

"Where are they?" I shouted.

"Ma'am please calm down."

"No I will not calm down where are they?!" I said sobbing as I walked even closer to the officer.

He put his hand on his gun holster as to get ready and that's when Ethan stepped in and grabbed onto me to hold me back.

"Please Julie just stay back. Don't do something you'll regret."

"Ethan where are they?" I said looking up at him through the tears.

"I don't know Julie." He said looking down at me.

"I told you this would happen. You should've let me go with them!" I said slamming on his chest.

"What? Are you even hearing what you're saying?"

"Why?! Why didn't you let me go with them?!" I yelled at him as I kept slamming on his chest.

He grabbed onto my wrists and kept me from hitting him further.

"Julie stop." He said.

"No. Let me go!" I said.

"Julie please." He said.

His final scream- Ethan Landry x oc Where stories live. Discover now