Part 9

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TW: Graphic scenes, blood, stabbing

Me and Ethan walked into the apartment together but separated instantly. Ethan walked into the living room and I walked into the kitchen. I sighed as I leaned against the counter. It was only late afternoon and I was already exhausted. I walked back into the living room and saw Ethan and Chad talking. I walked up to Chad, not even acknowledging Ethan.

"Hey big guy. Can you find Ethan a mattress? He's sleeping on the floor tonight." I said.

"Oh uh sure." Chad said.

"Thank you." I smiled at Chad and then walked past both of them still not even looking at Ethan.

"Critical hit dude." I heard Chad tell Ethan behind me.

I had just entered my room when I heard someone close the door behind me. Ethan.

"What now?" I asked annoyed.

"Are you still mad at me? I told you it wasn't me!" Ethan said.

"Ethan I need some time to think. At least give me that."

"Look Julie I don't know who told you I kissed some girl at that party but I swear to you I didn't."

"For gods sake." I groaned in annoyance as I turned around so I didn't have to look at him.

Ethan took my arm and turned me back around but I shook him off.

"Please. Julie. Listen to me. It wasn't me. Ask Chad. Okay? Ask him. I was with him all night."

"Ethan. Why won't you listen to me? I don't want to talk to you! Please give me some fucking space." I said sitting down on my bed.

"You know what? Fuck this. I have Econ. I have to go. See you tomorrow." He said leaving my room and ever so slightly slamming my bedroom door behind him.

I sighed and plopped down on my bed.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed.

Why couldn't I just trust Ethan? What was wrong with me? Something just felt off. That's when I heard a knock on my door. I sat up.

"Come in."

"Hey." Chad said as he walked in.

"Hey." I replied.

He closed the door behind him and sat down next to me on my bed. I turned so I was facing him.

"What is going on between you and Ethan?"

"Nothing." I said.

"Really? Because I wouldn't mind getting in some jabs." He said fake punching the air.

I chuckled.

"No but really. I could hear you from the living room." Chad said.

"Oh." I said.

"Yeah. So what's going on?"

"Ethan kissed some random girl at that frat party we went to and then later that night proceeded to kiss me. Multiple times."

Chad started laughing.

"Oh so this is what this is all about? Dude where did you hear that from?"

"Quinn told me her friend saw them."

He kept laughing.

"No you've got it all wrong. He was with me all night. And I didn't want to sell him out like this but he was straight up staring you down the entire party. Trust me he only wants you."

"Oh my god. Are you serious?"

"Yeah dude. He looked like he was about to pounce on Frankie for even touching you."

His final scream- Ethan Landry x oc Where stories live. Discover now