Part 2

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*Two days later*

It had now been two days since the call. Nothing had happened since so we just figured it was a prank. I had bought a new phone and Ethan made sure to put his number in it. For the past two days me and Ethan have been flirting and texting constantly. He was very sweet and likable. He always went out of his way to make sure I was comfortable. Me and Tara were sitting in her room getting ready for a frat party later that evening. Since it was Halloween Tara decided to go as a pirate and I was going to go as a cowgirl.

I had just finished my makeup and was now putting the pink cowgirl hat on. It was a little basic but it didn't matter. Me and Tara were planning on getting shitfaced and having fun. I watched as Tara finished putting her lipstick on and then we were done. Tara stood up next to me and we both looked into the mirror together.

"We totally look hot." She said and I laughed.

"Oh my god we totally do right?" I answered still laughing.

She smiled at me and put both her hands on my arms.

"Hey." She said grabbing my attention.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"We're going to see a lot of ghost face masks today. Considering that it's Halloween. Are you going to be okay?"

"Me? What about you? I mean you were the main targets."

She sighed and looked back up at me.

"I know. I'll be fine."

"Great. Now let's go get shitfaced." I giggled before taking her hand and leading her out of the room.

We were going to meet Ethan, Chad, Mindy and Anika there. Quinn wanted to stay home since she had a "date" with a guy which basically just meant that she was going to bring the guy home and sleep with him. We'd rather not be home to hear it anyway. Me and Tara walked out of the apartment building and onto the streets only to immediately be met with people in ghostface masks.

"Hey it's okay. It's only costumes." Tara said.

I hadn't even realized how hard I was squeezing her hand. She stroked the back of my hand with her thumb and smiled up at me.

"We're gonna be fine. Now breathe and give my hand some space to breathe too." She laughed.

"Oh sorry." I said removing my hand from hers.

We walked along the city until we reached a campus where all the fraternities were. We could hear the music from all the way over to the other side of the campus. That's when a guy walked past us and Tara stopped.

"Oh hey Jason are you coming to the frat party?" She asked him.

"Oh. No I have a lot of studying to do. Is Sam going to be there?"

"You know Sam she would never go to a frat party."

"Right. Okay well I'll see you around" he said before he kept on walking.

Tara turned to me and kept walking too.

We eventually arrived at the party. There were people making out in every corner and empty red plastic cups on the floors and the music was absolutely blaring. The frat house was extremely crowded and everyone's voices were overlapping each other. Normally I'd panic at this big of a crowd but I felt safe going there with my friends. We walked into the living room to see Chad and Ethan in a corner talking and Mindy and Anika on the couch cuddling. I smiled and walked over to Chad and Ethan. Ethan's eyes widened when he saw me.

"What?" I asked thinking there was something wrong with what I was wearing.

"Nothing you look good." He said.

His final scream- Ethan Landry x readerWhere stories live. Discover now