"The fuck do you want?" I walk out. "There's kids in there."

"Matteo." Dad sighs.

I'm pinned to the ground and handcuffed. "Matteo Reign, you're under arrest."

"For what?" Dad raises an eyebrow.

"We'll take him down to the station and contact you soon, Mr. Reid."

The next thing I know I'm in a dark room, my hands handcuffed to the table in front of me and legs shackled.

For an hour I was sitting in darkness.

Then, a familiar looking woman walks in. She had her hair in tight braids on her scalp.

I realised where I remembered her from as she sat opposite me.

She's the girl in the basement where Bella was.

Which means, she's the pig.

She's found me.

"Matteo Reign." She clears her throat. "You and your family are a big name in New York." She speaks, she isn't from around here, she has an accent.

"We're a big name all over the world, darling." I clear my throat. "Mind telling me what i'm here for? My lawyer-"

"You killed four people in front of me, and there was 20 as collateral."

I lean back, "when?"

"You know when. We both have memorable faces." She throws a file in front of me. "Seen the way you shifted when I walked in, a sign that you remember me."

"I, simply, just think you're hot." I smile.

She smiles, a false one.

I look down at the lanyard hanging around her neck. 

Agent Mendes.

"Miss. Mendes."

"Agent Mendes." She corrects me. "Agent."

"Yeah, whatever." I clear my throat. It's so dry in here. "You gonna charge me or what?"

"No, actually. I have a proposition to make."

"Bribery? Who knew the government would be so desperate."

"I don't work for the government."


"No. I work for a non-profit organisation that specialises in human trafficking."

I nod my head. "But I'm here because federal agents came banging at my door, and you've locked me in a interview room at the police station."

"We use the government when we can." She shrugs.

"So why am I here, Agent Mendes."

"You're here because you killed four predators to save one girl." She slides the documents to me, "and i've been working this job since I was 18, and have only managed to tackle 3 rings. You took one down within a day."


"So, you want the feds and pigs to lay off your back? Help me take down another."

I smile, "bribery."

"Do you wanna get thrown in a jail cell? I saw you kill them with my own eyes, many other girls will vouch too. You help me, or you rot in prison."

I smile wider, "bossy, i like-"

"Hurry up."

"Let me speak to my dad first." I stretch. "I know he's out there somewhere."

"You're 21, can't make decisions on your own?"

"I'm an asset needed in many countries which could easily go wrong if I decide to stick my nose where it shouldn't be." I look her in the eyes. "And it shouldn't be siding with an organisation that works with the feds."

She rolls her eyes, standing up and walking away.

A damn good ass she has.

Five minutes later dad walks in, followed by Keilani and then Agent Mendes.

"Keilani?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Hey kid." She smiles. "You should take the offer, they've compiled a big case out there."

And then Agent Hamada walks in.

"Great." I sigh.

"Matteo, this is Xena." He points to the girl, "I worked closely with her organisation about a year ago, they do good work, and they need someone like you."

"Someone like me?" I can't be bothered with this.

"You're young, rich and have associations high up that can get you into these places." Dad explains. "It'll only be for 6 months."

"Thought I was heading to Italy to do some work down there?"

"We can postpone it." He looks at Keilani. "Keilani and Xena know each other."

"Fine whatever, i'll do what you want me to do. Just, can I go home? Ruined my night with mom." I mumble.

"I'll come round and-"

"You won't step foot near my house, Mendes. I'll get your number off Hamada and call you when I can be bothered. Let me go."

"Is he always this grumpy?" She asks, handing Hamada the keys.

"He's a ball of sunshine if you meet him in the day time." Dad helps get the cuffs of me. "Moms waiting in the car. I'll stay here and make sure they hold up their end of the deal."

"Thanks." I smile, walking out.

Keilani grabs me though. "Ciro mentioned you were acting weird in China and I said, oh he's probably going through girl problems. Matteo, you're never like this. What's going on?"

As a kid, when I couldn't open up to mom and dad, I would open up to Ciro and Keilani.

But I can't.

Not about this.

"I'm just... not feeling it recently."

"I'll be working with you guys a lot, I helped train a lot of Xena's team."

"She owns the organisation?"

"No. The girls barely legal to drink. Her mother owns it. Xena's just the main girl." She rubs my shoulder. "Get some rest, yeah. You look like you need it."

I need to drink.

"Thanks." I walk away.

I walk to the car, mom was sitting in the backseat.

I lay across the seats and rest my head in her lap. "You'll be proud of what I'm doing mama."

She runs her fingers through my hair, "I'm proud of you no matter what you do, Matty."

I smile, letting her play with my hair the entire drive back. She lets me sleep with her on the couch and for the first time in two years, I woke up without alcohol on my mind.

Instead, it was peaceful.

And that motivated me for the day.


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