IV. Clouded

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Saliyah walked into her bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror with her head tilted to the side before taking a deep breath, she grabbed her brush and brushed her hair up in a ponytail

Saliyah was doing good, she goes to therapy so that she can get peace and heal from all the bad things that happened to her, the whole thing with her foster parents didn't work out they only adopted her to prove to people that they weren't racist but behind closed doors, they called her all type of disrespectful and racist things so she ran away, and now she lives on her own and have her a nice little business doing hair and nails and it's successful

Saliyah grabbed her phone that was ringing and answered it putting it on speaker so she can continue getting ready

"Hey to my beautiful best friend" Saliyah heard making her smile "Hello to my sexy best friend Lavender" Saliyah answered with a smile "What are you doing right now?" Lavender asked while Saliyah put on her shoes "I'm about to go to the shop, why do you need something?" Saliyah asked grabbing her keys and purse "... No forget it, it was a dumb question anyways" Lavender said causing Saliyah to frown and stop walking "Lavender stop doing that... what do you need?" Saliyah questioned again "... I was wondering if you would consider letting me do lashes at the shop" Lavender hesitantly said "Girl we talked about this a while ago, of course, you can that place is too big for people to just be doing hair and nails there is another section in there" Saliyah told her friend gathering her things and picking up her phone before leaving the house "Thanks Saliyah... I mean it I don't know where I would be if u didn't meet you" Lavender said causing Saliyah to smile "... Likewise" Saliyah responded "I'll come to see you later I'm on my way to work but just let me know when you're ready to move your things in the shop... we can find more people who do lashes too" Saliyah said getting in the car "OK thanks again... be safe and love you" Lavender told her "You know I got you and love you too" Saliyah responded before hanging up


"Yooo Saliyah" Saliyah looked up from braiding her last head for today, she laughed a little bit while shaking her head "Tez don't start with me today" Saliyah laughed "Man Liyah I ain't see you in a while" Tez said smiling "boy you just seen me 3 days ago" Saliyah answered glancing at him before focusing on braiding the girl's hair "Yea that's a long time for me" He retorted messing with the hair products "What you need Cortez?" Saliyah asked seriously "You don't even have to use my full government... but I was wondering if I can just work here for a while... You know stay out of trouble you don't have to pay me or nothing I just wanna do better and make my mama proud" Tez answered honestly

Saliyah grabbed the hair mousse and sprayed it onto the little girl's head and gently rubbed it around, as she was doing that she was thinking about what Cortez had asked her, She was pulled out of her thought when she heard the shop door open, she looked up and saw the girl mother "Mommy" the little girl in the chair exclaimed happily causing Saliyah to smile small "Hey pretty girl" Her mother said with a smile "I cashapped you the money" she told Saliyah "Thanks... she's all good to go" Saliyah said helping the little girl out of her chair, the lady grabbed her daughter "Thank you Saliyah" she said "No problem Sofia" Saliyah retorted as the lady and her daughter walked out

Saliyah look at Cortez who was standing looking nervous "... You know what nevermind it was a dumb question just- Cortez be here on Saturday at 10... I'll see how you do first" Cortez started but Saliyah cut him off, a small smile formed on his face "Thank you Saliyah seriously I promise I won't let you down" Tez replied happily as Saliyah closed up all her supplies and put them away "I believe in you Cortez... don't let them kids get to your head they wanna see you do good until you're doing better than them" Saliyah seriously told him causing him to nod "Is there anything I can help you with right now?" He respectfully asked "... Yea if you don't mind sweeping the flood so that I can mop" She asked causing him to nod


Saliyah used the key that she had to get inside Lavender's house, she walked in and locked the door behind her "No, no baby you need to sign an NDA before you come over" Lavender playfully joked as she sat down on the couch "Girl please" Saliyah laughed taking off her shoes "Gurl you look stressed out" Lavender said patting the spot next to her so that Saliyah can sit "I am... well not that much I went home and took a nice long hot shower" Saliyah answered sitting down next to Lavender

"What happened?" Lavender asked "Wait let me get the snacks" Lavender said, she got up and came back with a bunch of snacks and 4 blunts "A fat blunt a day keep the doctor away" Saliyah smiled grabbing the blunt and grabbed the lighter, she lit it and took a long pull from it before passing it to Lavender, Saliyah blew the smoke out from her mouth "Tez gone be working at the shop now" Saliyah said laying her head back on the couch "You talking about Cortez... the one that's always getting in trouble with the police?" Lavender asked blowing the smoke out and passing the blunt to Saliyah "yea" she nodded taking two long pulls from the blunt before passing it back to Lavender "That's good... Right?" Lavender asked with a confused look

"yea that's a good thing I just hope he doesn't get into anything crazy... he's a good kid respectful too... he just let people get in his head" Saliyah responded "I got faith in him... he just need someone to stir him in the right direction" Lavender said causing Saliyah to nod in agreement

The two best friends continued to talk, smoke and laugh about whatever came to mind

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