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Saliyah sat on the swing watching all the other kids play with each other "Saliyah!" Her new and only friend Jordan smiled running towards her but Saliyah didn't respond she was too stuck in her thoughts

Once Jordan made it to where Saliyah was sitting she looked at her "Saliyah.... I don't like being ignored... Saliyah!" Jordan yelled into her ear causing saliyah to jump a little bit "You didn't hear me calling your name?" Jordan rudely asked, all Saliyah did was shake her head no ".... fine next time you need to listen and stop being so sad all the time" Jordan told her sitting on the swing next to her

"OK since you're my best friend now we have to get to know each other" Jordan informed her making Saliyah nod Jordan mugged her in return "You need to use your words, you have a mouth for a reason" she sassed while rolling her eyes Saliyah tilted her head to the side confused on why she was so upset

"Anyways like I was saying we have to get to know each other so I'll start my full name is Jordan Skye August.... now it's your turn what's your full name?" She questioned looking at Saliyah

Saliyah stared at her for a while before answering "My name is Saliyah Blair Night" she said looking back at the kids who were playing "... why do you always do that?" Jordan asked full of curiosity causing Saliyah to look at her and tilt her head to the side confused about what she was talking about "You always take forever to respond to people, you always talk so low and you always tilt your head to the right side" Jordan listen and pointed her hand to the right ".... I don't know but.... I talk low because my voice is low" she voiced out

"Anyways what's your birthday mine is February 15th," she told her ".... my birthday is October 16th" she informed her "OK what is your- Can we play something different I don't like answering so many questions" Jordan started but Saliyah cut her off getting annoyed "First of all don't cut me off because that's rude" Jordan snapped at Saliyah but Saliyah didn't care she just stared at her for a while before getting up off of the swing walking away

"Saliyah where are you going?" Jordan asked walking behind her "To the store" She mumbled "I don't have money" Jordan told her and Saliyah took her 4 dollars out of her pocket and gave her 2 "Thanks" Jordan smiled walking side by side with Saliyah


"What's good nigga" Derek greeted dapping up his best friend Ashton "nun much just chilling," he said walking into the corner store with Derek behind him "Yooo I heard that David just left town, divorced his wife and everything," Derek told Ashton making him stop and look at him with a shocked expression "you talking bout the same David that use to be in the streets..... the same David that married ole girl he was selling drugs to" he questioned grabbing some chips from the shelf "Yes nigga but ain't he got a daughter by her?" He asked grabbing a Sprite from the drink cooler "Now that I think about yea that nigga did.... he fucked up if he left that child here" Ash answered causing Derek to agree with him

"Excuse me" they heard a small voice from behind them causing them to turn around "Saliyah you need to stop letting people bully you," Jordan told Saliyah who wasn't listening to anything she was saying which made Jordan upset "You have to talk to me because if you don't I won't be tour friend anymore" Jordan sassed while Saliyah struggled to grab the water from the cooler ".... I don't care..... can you stop talking and help me?" Saliyah asked looking back at Jordan who held a mug on her face "No help yoself since you don't care" Jordan rolled her eyes walking away making Saliyah sigh deeply

"Here" Ash handed her the water she was reaching for "....Thank you" she politely said closing the cooler and walked away

"Bruh kid arguments be so damn funny" Derek laughed and Ash agreed with him laughing too "Bruh she so damn nonchalantly that girl said "... I don't care" bruh I'm too weak," Ash said laughing walking towards the register

"Saliyah move," Jordan told her and Saliyah did as told not wanting to deal with her complaining ".....It's excuse me but ok," Saliyah said grabbing her bag and walking out of the store



Mom" Saliyah called out as she walked into her home, not getting a response she walked to her room but the closer she got the more she started to hear banging and moaning she stopped in front of her mom's room door placing her hand on the door nob

Deciding not to open it she let go of the handle and walked into her room closing and locking the door behind her

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