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"Good morning class!" Mrs. McCain exclaimed happily "Good morning Mrs. McCain" All the students spoke back "OK class today we're having a free day you can either color, draw, or play in the play center" she informed the class "Yes!!!" The students exclaimed happily

While all the kids broke off into groups with their friends Saliyah grabbed a coloring page and sat at the table by herself

Mrs. McCain looked around the class, looking at all the students having fun and playing with each other until her eyes landed on Saliyah, she got up from her desk and walked over to her

"Hi Saliyah" she said sitting in the chair next to her, Saliyah glanced up from coloring and waved before going back to coloring "I heard you had a friend.... what is her name" her teacher asked causing saliyah to put the color pencil down and put her full attention to her teacher "... Yes her name is Jordan" she answered with a small smile

"That's good" her teacher smiled ".... yea I guess" she shrugged grabbing a different color pencil "Why is that?" Her teacher asked curiously "... She said I'm her best friend but she's always mean to me.... well sometimes not all the time" Saliyah answered with a shrug

"Yea and how does that make you feel?" Mrs. McCain asked Saliyah didn't respond she just shrugged and continued to color

"Mrs. McCain come look at my drawing!" One of her students exclaimed full of excitement causing Mrs. McCain to put a smile on her face and get up, she took one last glance at Saliyah to make sure she was ok before walking off toward the other student


Saliyah was walking home by herself when Jordan came running up to her "Hey Liyah" she smiled walking side by side with her "Hi" she spoke back "You want to go to the store with me?" Jordan asked pulling at a 5 dollar bill "....I don't have any money" she replied with a shrug "So what it doesn't matter you have to come because I went with u last time" Jordan said rudely rolling her eyes

Saliyah stopped walking and look at Jordan, Jordan stopped and look at her with an attitude causing saliyah to tilt her head to the side and shrug "... fine" she sighed "And I will buy you something" Jordan smiled but Saliyah didn't care


"Which one do you want?" Jordan asked as she and Saliyah stood in the candy aisle of the store "... that one" she said pointing to the gummy bears "I knew it you always get this" Jordan smiled, Saliyah grabbed the pack of gummy bears and walked to the register with Jordan behind her

They paid for their snacks and walked out of the store "You wanna come to the park with me?" Jordan asked eating her chips "... no I have to go home" Saliyah answered causing Jordan to frown "You said you was gone come with me today" Jordan complained "... My mom wants me to go home though" Saliyah explained

"Whatever I don't care anymore I have other friends to play with" Jordan rudely replied rolling her eyes and walking away from Saliyah

Saliyah feeling where hurt but at the same time she was confused, she watched Jordan walk away before continued walking home


"Man you sitting up here doing this shit like you don't got a whole daughter" Chris stressed "Chris mind your business I'm grown I do what I want" she sassed emphasizing her words "Where do you even get this from?" Her asked with an attitude

Amber didn't answer him, he looked at her expecting an answer, once he realized she wasn't gone respond he chuckled lowly nodding his head "You need to get yourself together" he grabbed his keys off the nightstand "Baby where you going?" She asked getting up to follow behind him "Away from you" he retorted causing Amber to grab his arm trying to pull him back but he snatched away from her "Baby just let me explain" she pleaded not wanting him to leave "Nah I'm good ain't nothing to explain I already know who you got it from" he said opening the door to leave

Once he opened the door he saw Saliyah walking up the porch, he looked at her and she frowned remembering the last time she saw him "Liyah go wash up" Amber told her daughter and Saliyah did as she was told

"Chris baby please let me explain" she pleaded again following him outside closing the door behind her "Explain Amber you got 5 minutes" he told her leaning on his car as she stood in front of him "I just been feeling so alone lately every since David left its been hard, he was the one who always took care of Liyah and then he left to go be with the family he had on the side the whole time... I wasn't dumb I knew he was cheating but I didn't say anything because I needed him to stay and pay the bills and help take care of Liyah... I relapsed when I found out that he had other kids and had another family on the side" she cried telling him the truth, he felt bad for her he had sympathy for her, he pulled her into a hug comforting her

Amber got herself together and looked at Chris "I understand but you don't needa turn back to drugs for that man you got me to talk to you understand" he told her making her nod "Alright I'm finna go" he told her making her nod "Bye" she told him watching him pull out of the driveway


"Mom" Saliyah called out as she walked into her mom's room, her mom sat on the bed with tears rolling down her eyes causing Saliyah to frown and tilt her head to the side as she walked up to her mom "... Mommy why are you crying?" She softly asked her mom as she stood in front of her, Amber looked at her small daughter in front of her "come here baby" she said picking Saliyah up and sitting her on her lap "... why are you sad mommy?" She asked wiping her mom tears "remember you asked for daddy?" She asked her daughter, Saliyah nodded her head yes looking at her mom "Baby he's not coming back... he moved far far away with his other family" she explained to her daughter the best way she could making Saliyah frown in confusion "He went with Nana and pop pop?" She asked mentioning David parents

Amber looked at her confused daughter and took a deep breath shaking her head "No baby daddy have another baby" she told her, Saliyah began to cry hearing listening to what her mom just told her "but he's still going to come see me right?" She asked her mom full of hope "... I don't know baby I hope he does" she told her child truthfully Saliyah let the tears run down her face as she got up from her mom's lap and walked to the bathroom

As Saliyah stood in the bathroom she wiped her tears, looking in the mirror Saliyah tilted her head to the side and stared at herself before walking to her room and crying herself to sleep, she couldn't help but to cry even though she tried hard not to

The conversation that Saliyah just had with her mom affected her real bad she really hoped that her dad would come see her and not forget about her and the promise he made to her

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