Chapter 13

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(3rd person)

A younger version of Astrid Mikaelson runs through the woods barely able to catch her breath. The manic voice of her father could be heard from miles away shouting and screaming "Come back here, you disgrace!"

Astrids looks back for only a second but her eyes widen when she sees her father catching up. She turns back to running but her foot is caught in a vine on the floor and she drops to the ground.

The burning of her new cuts and bruises brings tears to her eyes she struggles to get up but she is quickly lifted up. Her father pins her against a tree and she closes her eyes "You are weak and pathetic, just like your brother"

She throws her to the ground and a new set of years starts to run down her face as she looks up at the man who is supposed to protect her. He pulls out a sword and swings it at her as she raised her hand in horror.

(Astrid PoV)

My eyes quickly open and I sit up even quicker I can feel the sweat dripping down my face due to the horrible dream. My father had not been in my dreams since I was turned.

It didn't make sense why he had returned to them he was dead and I'd make sure that it stays that way. The door to my room quickly opens and Nik stands there "What happened?" I don't answer I guess I may have made noises in my sleep Nik looks at me before his eyes widen slightly "It's happened to you too hasn't it?"

"Too? You had a dream also?"

He nods gently and now that I properly look at him I can see the bags under his eyes and the hated look "I know we're not kids anymore but do you want to..."

He looks at me and realises what I'm saying and without another word, he lies beside me "This can't be a coincidence"

Nik lies on his side and looks at me "I know...we will deal with it in the morning"

I nod and close my eyes and the nightmares don't come again knowing I had Niklaus next to me protecting me as he those stormy nights in Norway.

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The next morning a party had been hosted by Camille for Father Kieran in Rousseau's the Mikaelsons had been invited since I was the reason he was still alive.

Niklaus and I sit at a table alone not much tired but haunted by our dreams and that's when Camille comes over "Hey, I wanted to thank you"

The Evil One--Davina Claire (Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now