Chapter 1

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I let out a breath once I finish my spell I feel the life come back to me I breathe the air in and it's not really fresh air it's more heavy air which makes sense since I'm in a cave.

I step out from behind a rock and see Bonnie Bennett and Katerina they look up and I give them a smile "So I have you to thank for dropping the veil?"

"Who are you?" Bonnie asks

"My name is Hela Mikaelson it seems you have the same magic as me I can feel it radiating from you" I respond with the same smile

"Did Qetsiyah send you?"

"Nope I'm here for my family so I'm going to leave you to whatever you were doing"

I walk out of the cave into the passageways of the cave and I hear the voice of someone I walk towards it and stop when I see another Katerina "You must be Elena?"

"Yes, who are you?"

I vamp speed towards her and bite into her neck she groan in pain I throw her to the ground "That was for Kol"

I carry on walking until I'm out of the cave I need to find Kol so I can bring him back too. I see that I'm in the woods and not much else other than so I vamp speed out of the woods and spot a car.

I walk up to it and unlock it with magic and get in and start to drive into town Kol spoke of getting revenge.

And he wasn't with Bonnie or Elena Gilbert so he must be with Matt Donavan getting his revenge on him. I drive through town and I'm glad when I see him walk into a bar I stop the car and jump out.

I walk over to the bar and walk in I see Rebekah Matt and some brunette Kol is pouring a drink and I walk in further and Rebekah turns around "Astrid?"

"Hello baby sister"

She runs over and jumps into my arms and hugs me tight "Come on Rebekah you know how much I hate hugs"

She pulls back with a smile "I'm sorry but I've missed you"

"Well I'm back now I just need to bring him back permanently and we can all live a happy life"

I say gesturing over to Kol "Well I have some revenge to get so that's going to have to wait"

I can believe him I'm offering to bring him back permanently but he wants to go and terrorize some children. I stop him as he was about to walk past me "Elena is dying of a werewolf bite no need to worry about her"


I look over his shoulder and look to Matt the brunette looks I bothered by this whole conversation "Yes I would cure her but what was the point in biting her"

Matt looks over do Rebekah and she looks to the ground "Come one Kol time to bring you back"

He smirks and I walk around to find some candles once I do I place them all on the table and light them "Kol sit down in the circle and we can get this started"

I can hear Rebekah talking with the brunette woman behind me and I turn "Could you both be quiet I need to concentrate"

The woman rolls her eyes and I have the sudden urge to kill her I look to Rebekah "Control your friend or this place will get a whole lot bloodier"

"This is my girlfriend, Adelaide she won't be a problem"

"Lovely, now can you all keep quiet"

I turn back to Kol who sits with patience which is uncommon "Ready?"

He nods and I kneel down and begin the spell the flames on the candles grow and wind flows heavenly around the room. After a few minutes, Kol gasps and stands up "Is it done?"

The Evil One--Davina Claire (Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now