"Rin, I am Y/N... you remember me?"

"Huh, yeah. What is it?"

"Sae got in an accident. We are currently at the city hospital. Please hurry!"

"WHAT?!" Y/N could hear the shock and concern in Rin's voice. "I'm on my way right now! Thank you for letting me know. Please keep me updated on his condition."

"I will, Rin. Please hurry," Y/N pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion.

As they waited for Rin to arrive, the atmosphere in the hospital remained tense. Y/N's family and Sae's family gathered together, offering each other support and encouragement during this difficult time. And since it was their first meeting with each other, Y/N didn't want to introduce herself in a situation like this so she just told them that she was his manager. 

A short while later, Rin rushed into the hospital, looking visibly worried. Y/N approached him, "Where is he? How is he doing?" Rin asked urgently.

"He's in the intensive care unit," Y/N replied, her voice choked with emotion. "The doctors are doing their best to stabilize him."

Rin nodded, his expression filled with concern. "How- How did it happen...?" He asked. "It's the driver's fault, he jumped the red light while Sae was crossing the road."

Y/N explained, trying to keep her emotions in check while recounting the accident. "The impact was severe, but the doctors are doing everything they can for him."

Rin clenched his fists, anger and worry evident on his face. "I can't believe this happened. I should have been there for him."

Finally, a doctor approached them with a somber expression. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Sae's injuries were severe, and he underwent surgery. He's stable now, but he'll need time to recover."

Y/N's heart sank at the news, but she felt relieved that he was stable. "Can we see him?" she asked, hoping to be by Sae's side.

"Yes, you can see him, but only one person at a time for a short while," the doctor replied.

Y/N's sister squeezed her hand, offering her support. "Go ahead, Y/N. We'll be here waiting for you."

Taking a deep breath, Y/N followed the doctor to the intensive care unit. When she saw Sae lying unconscious with tubes and monitors surrounding him, her heart ached. She gently held his hand, hoping her presence would somehow reach him, even in his unconscious state.

"I'm here, Sae," Y/N whispered softly.

"I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. You have to wake up, okay? We all need you here with us." Y/N's voice quivered as she spoke, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She stayed by Sae's side for a few minutes, pouring her heart out, sharing memories of their time together, and expressing her love and support. Despite the emotional turmoil, she felt a glimmer of hope as she held his hand, feeling a faint squeeze in response.

After her allotted time was up, Y/N reluctantly left the intensive care unit, her heart heavy with worry and anxiety. Rin was waiting outside, looking equally concerned. "How is he?" he asked, anxiously.

"He's stable, but he's still unconscious," Y/N replied, her voice shaking with emotion. "I talked to him, and I felt a response, a slight squeeze of his hand. I hope it means he's fighting to wake up." 

The two of them returned to the waiting area, where Y/N's family and Sae's family were anxiously waiting for updates. Y/N shared the news about Sae's condition, and they all tried to find strength in each other's support.

Over the next few days, the wait was agonizing as Sae remained unconscious. The hospital became like a second home for Y/N and Rin as they took turns visiting him, talking to him, and encouraging him to wake up.

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