But, now it didn't matter where I would go. I was in the center of attention as I looked at the eyes that looked towards me. My body grew warmer and warmer as emotions filled it. Embarrassed, angry, humiliated, and so many more seemed to hang over my head. My body slowly started to feel every punch, every kick, and every bruise that was arising. I was in pain and feeling so vulnerable I knew where I wanted. It was the only place I felt safe.

The basement was calling my name. And as everyone talked over the excitement that had just happened I found my escape route. Without Sheila noticing my strategy I calmly walked towards the exit door and slipped out into the cool night. My hands shook as I headed back towards Ralph and Sheila's home. Every step was painful, but I didn't allow it to show. Werewolves seemed to be everywhere, making it difficult to get to my destination. But, when I could see the house a strange feeling washed over me. A joy that I didn't want to understand. Even though I was happy to see the large blue house, I felt extremely uncomfortable barging in the way I was about to. But, I couldn't help but to run, ready to hide in the basement. Hide from any eyes.

So as I opened the door and stumbled in the darkness, I rushed towards the basement. In the darkness I allowed the tears to fall down my face as I rushed towards the open door that led to the basement. I touched the wall as I walked down the stairway and then stumbled in my sanctuary. I locked the door as I took a deep breath against the wood. The pain had finally taken over all of my senses as a ringing flooded my ears. I pulled against the shoes that were latched to my feet as I laid on the cold basement floor.

Since werewolves ran a higher temperature, the house was always cold. Most days, I disliked the coolness. But at the moment, it was welcoming as I laid against the floor. My forearms rested under my head as I started to relax. Before I knew it my eyes were closed and my body quickly became weightless.

In the sweet sleep I could feel myself start to worry, my dream wasn't worrisome and my consciousness wasn't worried. But something was spiking my anxiety as I felt my stomach twist painful. I wanted to get up, I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn't. I couldn't even peep out of my half closed eyes, my eyelids were glued shut and refused to move for me. I had no control of my senses, and they wouldn't wake up no matter how many times I tried to order them, was I dead? Did I die when I fell asleep on the floor? My heart raced as the panic filled my body and I could feel my nerves start to twitch.

* * *

My body shook as the panic slowly escaped my nerves. I gasped for air as I tried to force a few of my muscles to move. And all so slowly I could wiggle my toes to my surprise. I continued to move my toes until I could feel my fingers twitch on my stomach. I allowed my body to continue to move until I slowly found my eyes. I opened my eyes and looked up to the ceiling. As soon as the view started to clear up from my sleepy eyes, I could feel the pain crash on me.

My mouth opened as I softly groaned and closed my eyes, wincing from the pain. I tried to turn my body and realized I couldn't after a moment of trying. I looked down to the mattress I was laying on, I was on my bed. My purple comforter was pulled over my body and my arms rested over the fabric. Slowly I lifted my right bruised hand to see a white long sleeve rested against my wrist. My face soured as I realized someone had changed me, they had carried and tucked me.

My stomach twisted as I pulled the hot comforter off of my body. Looking down I stared at the white joggers I had been placed in. Very slowly I sat up on the bed, and quickly stopped my movement when I looked over to Andrew asleep in my computer chair. So it was him. He was the one who had carried in my bed and had tucked me, I couldn't see Sheila allowing him to change me.

And when I looked to see the dress I had been in hanging up, I knew she was also here. His fist held his face as he slept crouched in the black chair. His long legs rested in front of him and I felt my stomach twist. At the moment I didn't care how attractive he was, because all I could feel was the pain he had brought on my body.

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