Chapter 18

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Jake's POV
I can't believe Peyton did that to Rowan... Again. I'm glad Sabrina is letting me come over though because I haven't seen them in a while. But the main reason I want to go is because Rowan is going to be there.
Sabrina's POV
I know why Jake wanted to hangout with Rowan, he likes her. Me and Bradley are the only people that know about it, but he does. We sit in silence for about five minutes and there is a knock on the door
"Rowan can you get it" I ask her as she stands up
"Yeah I'll get it" she says as she gets to the door.
Rowan's POV
Sabrina asks me to get the door, so I do. I open the soor to reveal Jake standing there smiling like a freak
"Hey Rowan how you doing?" He asks before I let him in
"much better." I reply and sit back down on the couch. Jake sits next to me and suggests that we watch a movie. Sabrina lets the boys pick and they chose The Avengers.
Jake's POV
Rowan sits down on the couch and I sit next to her. Good thing Sabrina and Bradley were to busy talking to realize that I sat down next to her, they are the only people that know that I like Rowan. Since we were all just sitting there on our phones, I suggested that we watch a movie. I look over and see Corey also sitting next to Rowan. The girls let Corey Bradley and I choose the movie and we chose The Avengers. Every once in a while I would look over at Rowan and see her either talking to Corey or watching the movie.
Corey's POV
I'm really glad Jake suggested that we watch a movie, because it was kinda akward before he did. Rowan and end up talking instead of watching most of the movie. I see Jake giving us looks does he like her? I think, which I kinda said outloud.
"Does who like who?" Rowan looks at me as asks.
"N-nothing" I say.. Saved that
"Okay..?" Rowan replies and watches some of the movie. I see Jake look at her again, should I make him jealous? I think to myself, which thank god I didn't say out loud this time. Rowan pulls out her phone
"Lets take a selfie" she says in a hushed tone so Sabrina Bradley and Jake don't hear her. We take a normal one then a silly face and the last one I kiss her cheek right before she takes the photo. I take out my phone so we can take some on my phone also
"One minute i'm going to post one of these on Instagram." she tells me and has me help her pick which one to put on there. I chose the one where i'm kissing her cheek. She posts it and we take some photos on my phone. One normal, a couple silly, and she does what I did for the last one, she was probably just copying me. We pick a photo and I post it on my Instagram. We continue to watch the movie a few minutes later.  I look over at Rowan and I see Jake just staring at Rowan. I put my arm around Rowan and suprizingly she lays her head on my shoulder. After about 30 mintues the movie is over and I look and see Rowan is asleep.
Jake's POV
Okay.. I'm kinda jealous that Corey and Rowan are such good friends and that they were talking during the entire movie and that it wasn't me talking to her. What really got me was when the were taking the selfies and when he put his arm around her and she put her head on his shoulder. After the movie is over I look over and see that Rowan is asleep, but still has her head on Corey's shoulder.
"Hey I have got to go my parents want me home here in a few minutes." I say to Sabrina and walk out the door. Honestly, I didn't have to go home, I just couldn't stand to see her and Corey together.
Sabrina's POV
The whole movie I could see Rowan and Corey talking. Then Jake looking over and looking mad. I know he didn't have to leave, he just didn't want to see Corey and Rowan together. I take out my phone and get on Instagram and see the photos they posted together during the movie. I look over and see Rowan still asleep on Corey's arm, I smile and take a picture. I open Instagram and post it. Five minutes later Rowan wakes up and we talk for a little bit.
R-Rowan S-Sabrina B-Bradley C-Corey
B- Lets play Truth or Dare
All- okay
This is going to be interesting I think
B- Corey Truth or Dare
C- Dare!
B- I dare you to.....

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