Chapter 11

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Corey's POV
I'm going to the park to hangout with Rowan, ever since her and Peyton got together I haven't spent much time with her so I though since Peyton was busy I would get to hangout with her finally. I get to the park and see Rowan sitting on a bench on her phone I walk over to her and she gets off her phone. Of course I ask to take pictures with her, like always, and after that we talk for a while until I see something that is going to tear Rowan apart...
Rowan's POV
I can't believe him, my boyfriend would do this to me, I think while staring at him making out with some girl that has brown hair... No it can't be... Is that Olivia Stuck? I can't believe this I'm just sitting here staring I think Corey has the same reaction. He gets up and goes over there, slaps Peyton and walks back over to me.
"He doesn't deserve you" Corey says trying to comfort me
"I..I can't.. Believe this.." I croak out trying my hardest not to cry
"It's okay some here" Corey saids while starting to hug me, I don't hug back I just run. I ran all the way to my house when I get inside I run up to my room where no one can see me like this. I call Sabrina and she picks up after a few rings. I'm still sobbing but i don't care.
"Hello? Row are you okay?" She asks
"Can you come over.." I say in between sobs
"Yeah, but can Bradley come also,he's here at my house." Of course she's with him
"Yeah... Just come... Fast" I hang up before I begin crying even more. After about 5 minutes I hear someone knocking on the front door. Then a few seconds later I hear someone trying to sprint up the stairs, probably Sabrina, because they sure are falling a lot. They finally make it up and knock on my door, I open it quickly and as soon as I do Sabrina is hugging me. Bradley joins in on the hug but then they let go noticing that it's not helping. I'm still crying really hard but I get a text so I check it, it's from Peyton... Out of everyone it could be, it's him. I cry and toss my phone onto the floor. Sabrina takes it and reads who it was from, then sits it back down. She gets her phone out and texts a couple people, and as soon as I know it Corey and Jake Short are here. They come upstairs and just walk in, both looking like they are about it kill someone.
Jake's POV
Sabrina texts me telling me I need to get to Rowan's house quick. I text back on my way and run to Rowan's house, we don't live far from each other. When I get there I see Corey walking up the drive and run quicker it catch up with him.
"Hey do you know what this is all about?" I ask since Corey most likely knows
"Rowan and I were hanging out at the park earlier and Peyton was there making out with Olivia Stuck." Corey says, wow he looks like he's really mad about this
"Wow.." that's all I could say about that. I knock on the door and Rowan's mom answers telling us Rowan is up in her room.Corey and I walk in, both really mad.
"Hey guys Rowan won't tell just what happened, do either of you know *cough cough* Corey" Sabrina says, sounding worried
"Yeah, when me and Rowan were hanging out at the park and while we were talking I seen Peyton and Olivia Stuck making out, I guess I was staring and Rowan seen them. Right after she ran here." Corey explains. Rowan's phone goes off and since I'm right next to it I grab it and see who it is, it's Peyton. I answer and put it on speaker so everyone can yell at him, by now Rowan has stopped crying.
"Hello? Row are you okay you haven't...." Peyton starts
"Peyton what the hell do you want" Corey almost yells until Rowan covers his mouth
"Why so mean and give the phone to Rowan!" He says getting mad
"Peyton I don't want to talk to you... And don't talk like that to Corey!" Rowan almost yells into the phone Corey trys calming her because she looks like she's about to punch something.
"And you know what we're over! You can go make out with Olivia some more because I don't care!" This time actually yelling
"Rowan...I..I" Peyton starts
"Don't start Peyton... She's done with you, you made her cry for about 2 hours with us trying to get her to stop but she wouldn't so why don't you leave her alone!" Sabrina yells after that Peyton hangs up and the room is filled with laughter because how mad Peyton was getting.
Corey's POV
Finally she broke up with him! I have secretly liked her for a while but she started dating Peyton and you know. We all decided to spend the night so if Peyton comes to try to get her back we can yell at him. We all went to bed right away, since it was 1:00am. When I woke up Rowan was laying  on my chest I smiled and got on my phone. I had a text from Peyton trying to explain but I ignore it. I go on instagram and see some Cowan tags and look at all of them. Bradley Jake and Sabrina wake up and look at the sleeping Rowan on me.
"Wait til she sees this when she wakes up" Sabrina says chuckling which woke up Rowan. She looks up at me and then sees that she's laying on me. She jerks up and says,"When did that happen??!" She says a little shocked we all laugh. I sit up and see Rowan searching for her phone, I grab it and hand it to her "Thanks" she says. I watch her open her phone *not trying to seem like a creeper* and see Peyton texted her 30 times and tried calling her like 10 times. When she opens the texts she looks like she's about to cry again. She hugs me tightly while crying into my shoulder I try to calm her down and i'm really glad it worked because we have to shoot GMW today and we don't need anything bad happening. Sadly we have to shoot Rucas scenes today so things might be going down.
Rowan's POV
I'm actually glad I broke up with Peyton, but i'm still sad about how it had to happen. Everyone spent the night at my house because it was late and because they can stay over whenever. The next morning I woke up on Corey? I look up and my eyes meet his amazing blue eyes... Quit it Rowan! I scramble around looking for my phone then Corey hands it to me "Thanks" i say to him. I open my phone and feel Corey watching me. Peyton texted me 30 times and called 10 seriously! I look at them then start to cry I hug Corey tightly and hope it doesn't end. I cry into his shoulder and remember we have to film a lot of Rucas stuff today... Great. About 2 hours later we leave to go to set, Jake and Bradley decided to come with us. When we get to set I grab my script and go to my dressing room before anyone can stop me. I change into my Riley clothes and look at the script and see that Olivia is joining us onset today "Ugh!" I yell and someone knocks on my door I open it and Corey walks in.
"What's up Corey" I ask, he just stands up and walks over to me. He looks into my eyes.. What is he doing? I look back into his eyes we stay like this for about 30 seconds. He starts leaning in what...calm down Rowan! I say to myself my heart feels like it's coming out of my chest. Our lips touch i'm still in shock but I start to kiss back after a few seconds. That's when Sabrina and Bradley walked in both open mouthed.

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