Chapter 8

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Rowan's POV
Peyton, Sabrina, Corey and I are hanging out in my dressing room until the guy on the intercom says we have 10 minutes until we start shooting. We head to set, I notice my and Peyton are holding hands. When we get over to the set where we talk to the producers talk to us for a few before we start shooting the first episode. About 2 hours later we finish shooting and there were reporters there that wanted to interview us. The first interview was with all of us, they we asking questions about is gmw going to have the same life lessons and stuff. After that interview Sabrina and Corey went back to their dressing rooms. Me and Peyton were about to go to ours, he grabbed my hand intertwining(sorry if I spelt it wrong) our hands and we start to walk off set. We get stopped my on of the reporters wanting to interview us. We tell them "we will get changed and in 20 minutes come to my dressing room." With that we leave going to our dressing rooms.
Peyton's POV
After the shooting of the first episode reporters were interviewing us for the show. Corey and Sabrina left to go to their dressing rooms and me and Rowan were about to leave for our dressing rooms, but we get stopped by reporters asking us if they can interview us Rowan tells them to meet in her dressing room in 20 minutes. We head to our dressing rooms and as soon as I change I grab my phone and go to her dressing room. I knock and say "It's Peyton" and walk in. This time she was already in her normal clothes, we had 15 minutes to spare so we do a Q&A video. I text Corey and Sabrina and see if they wanted to come and do the video with us. A few minutes later they come in, with out knocked and me and Rowan were preoccupied making out.
Sabrina's POV
Peyton texted me and Corey,we were hanging out in my dressing room, and he asked if we wanted to come and do a Q&A with him and Rowan and of course we both text back yes. We get some of our stuff and go to Rowan's dressing room. We don't even knock and walk in on Peyton and Rowan making out, they didn't even hear us come in. I had my phone out and took a picture and posted it saying Again....Seriously Row #Reyton
Corey slams the door shut, to get their attention, and they nearly but heads. We start the video
(Peyton Rowan Sabrina Corey)
Hey guys, today we are going to be doing a Q&A video
We will be looking at questions from Twitter and Instagram
I'm going to start!! What do you enjoy more acting or singing..... Singing
My turn!! If you could choose anything in the world to be what would you be... Photograper

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