Chapter 12

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Sabrina's POV
We get to set and have to get into our clothes for our characters, Bradley is coming to the set with us. When I grabbed my script I seen that Olivia Stuck is joining us on set today... This isn't good. I change into my Maya clothes before going over to Rowan's dressing room after I change Bradley and I head over to Rowan's dressing room. We don't even think to knock and just walk in, to see Rowan and Corey kissing? When did this happen? I ask myself. Both Bradley and I are open mouthed, this is really suprising.
Corey's POV
I can't believe it, I finally kissed her. Sadly, Sabrina and Bradley had to ruin it and walk in. We stop and look over at Sabrina and Bradley both open mouthed. They have been in shock for 5 minutes now and it's about time to start shooting, so we get our phones since we re going to need them for the episode. Sabrina and Bradley have finally snapped back into reality and are following us to set.
Peyton M's POV
I can't believe Olivia for doing that, she knew I was dating Rowan. If only I never went to the park she would have never pushed me against the tree forcing me to kiss her. When she kissed me I didn't kiss back, as she tried starting to makeout with me Corey comes over and slaps me. I finally push her off and see someone running off, it's Rowan. Well I have to put that behind me now I have to get ready to go to set. I quickly put on my Lucas clothes and grab my phone then leave for set. In the hall I see Rowan let Corey into her dressing room, I wish that was me going to her dressing room before heading to set. I ignore my thoughts and go to set and see Olivia waiting for everyone. She sees me and runs to me hugging me, I push her off.
"What's wrong babe?" she says which makes me really mad, I hate when she calls me babe.
"Don't call me babe, you need to leave me alone. You ruined my relationship and i'm pretty sure I won't get her back!" I say yelling a bit. Olivia runs off, probably to her dressing room. Finally Sabrina Rowan and Corey get here so we can start shooting. I also see Bradley with Sabrina. Rowan looks at me then quickly looks away, wow I... I mean Olivia really hurt her. Olivia finally comes back to set and we start shooting. Through out the whole thing I though about what I could do to get Rowan back, even if it wasn't going to be easy.
Rowan's POV
When Corey kissed me I felt nothing, but I had to get over Peyton. Honestly I don't think I ever will get over him though, I think i'm in love with him. Sabrina and Bradley, still in shock after 5 minutes finally snap back into reality. Me and Corey just grab our phones and we all leave for set. When we walk out we stop because we hear Peyton yelling "Don't call me babe, you need to leave me alone. You ruined my relationship and i'm pretty sure I won't get her back!" I look over at Sabrina and she has the same reaction as me, he still likes me. Maybe he didn't kiss her, maybe she forced him. I'll just have to talk to him after we are done shooting. When we get to set I try not to look at Peyton until we have to for shooting the episode. Olivia finally comes out of her dressing room so we can start. When we are done I nearly sprint back to my dressing room to get my normal clothes back on and so I can go talk to Peyton. I turn off everything in my dressing room and grab my phone, then I go to Peytons dressing room. I knock loudly and say "It's Rowan I need to talk to you" He answers without his shirt on. He lets me in I look around, it hasn't changed a bit.
"Look Rowan, I've been meaning..." He starts
"Before you say anything, you didn't kiss her did you?" I say interupting him
"No I didn't she was trying to get us to break up, but I don't think she will mess with me again" he says, I actually let him finish this time. I walk over to his couch he has in his dressing room and get on my phone. Before Peyton relizes what i'm doing I take a picture of him. He notices and walks over to me and trys taking my phone. Not letting him take it I run through his dressing room. The next thing I know is i'm cornered with now where to go, Peyton walks over still trying to take it from me. I go between his legs and run out of his dressing room laughing and go to my dressing room. Peyton runs in still shirtless and actually gets my phone from me. I see him typing something, great I think. When he finally gives me my phone back I check to see what he did.
Sabrina's POV
When we finish shooting Rowan sprints to her dressing room... I wonder why? I walk to my dressing room with Bradley so I can change. As soon as we walk in I go to change, but Bradley stops me. He turns me around and puts his hands on my waist, I put mine around his neck. He kisses me. We start to make out, he picks me up and carries me over to my couch and hovers over me. We start to make out again, he pulls my shirt over my head and I take his off of him, wow he has abs I think. We go back to making out, we start kissing harder that we were. He takes my pants off me, which is as far as I'm letting him go. After about 20 minutes of making out someone comes in, it was Sarah...

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