Chapter 24

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Rowan's POV
After I get back to Sabrina's we decide to watch another movie. But as soon as the movie started I got a call from Peyton's mom.
R- Hello? Is everything okay?
P- I-It's Peyton....
R- what about Peyton
P- He is in the hospital
R- WHAT what happened
P- Acording to the doctors he was crying while driving and got hit
R- Okay.. What hospital is he in?
P- The one across the street from the studio
R- Okay thanks.
I hang up and start to cry. You did this to him, that should be you in the hospital, if only you would have listened to him I began to think before pretty much crying my eyes out.
"Row who was that what did they want what happened" Sabrina questioned
"P-Pe-y-t-e-n i-s" I couldn't finish because it was hard to talk. Corey extends his arms for a hug. I hug him and cry into his shoulder. I push away from Corey and stop crying.
"Peyton's in the hospital." I say trying not to start crying again.
"What happened?" Bradley asks
"After he left here he was crying while driving and he got hit." I tell him before breaking back into tears. Everyone just sits there for a minute.
"We need to go to the hospital to see how he is" Sabrina says. We walk out the door and get in Bradley's car.
"Which hospital?"
"The one across the street from the studio is what his mom said." I reply. I lay my head on Corey's shoulder an rest my eyes so that I will stop crying.

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