Chapter 15

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Rowan's POV
I'm pretty sure Sabrina's on to me and Peyton because when we walked in late she looked suspicious. Well anyways... We sit on the coach and wait for Sabrina to come back with some snacks. Bradley leaves to go help her, after about 5 minutes they finally come back and she turns on Netflix and we choose a movie (Okay I know Netflix has like no movies, that you want to watch, but lets just pretend there is) and turn it on. After the movie we decide to go swimming so we go upstairs and change. Since Sabrina doesn't have a pool, we go to the beach which no one is there so that's good. Sabrina doesn't live that far from the beach, we walk there. On the way there me and Peyton walk together, basicly giving away that we are dating again, but i don't think anyone noticed. Well that was until Sabrina had to ask
"Are you guys dating again?" She asks smiling while seeing our reactions
"What...pshhh nooo" I say and look at Peyton who is laughing at how bad I am at lying
"You guys are aren't you?" Bradley asks
"Yeah.." Peyton says
Sabrina's POV
While me and Bradley were in the kitchen getting snacks, we talked about how we knew Rowan and Peyton were dating again and that's probably why they took so long to get here. So when we were on our way to the beach I had to ask.
"Are you guys dating again?" I smile because their reactions are amazing.
"What... Pshhhh nooo" Rowan says, lying, she is really bad at it.
"You guys are aren't you?" Bradley asks
"Yeah.." Peyton finally speaks up. I see him grab Rowan's hand. Corey Peyton C and Sarah didn't come because they didn't want to come. We finally get to the beach and no one is there, thank god! Before we go in the water we take some pictures together and post them. Then we get in the water for about an hour or so. We leave the beach and go back to my house. Corey Peyton C and Sarah are still there (of course Sarah is) so we decide to play Truth or Dare, which is never good for our group.
"Truth or dare" Sarah asks me
"I dare you to tell everyone the most embracing thing you have ever done" She says... Great
"Okay.... The most embracing thing I have ever done is, probably screaming really loud in class when I seen a spider at my old school" I look at Peyton
"Truth or dare" I ask Peyton M
"Dare" He says
"I dare you make out with Rowan"
Peyton M's POV
"I dare you to make out with Rowan" Sabrina dares we, while we are playing truth or dare. I smile and look at Rowan who doesn't know if we should.
"Are you okay with this Rowan?" I ask her before I do the dare
"Yeah, I am" She says then smiles. We lean in and start to make out, it's kinda weird doing this in front of a whole bunch of people, but it's fine. After about 5 minutes we are done. We continue with the game until it's really late. We go to bed at mid night because we have to go to the studio for a live taping tomorrow.

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