Chapter 19

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Rowan's POV
During the movie Corey and I talked instead of watching to, only every once in a while we would watch it. We took some pictures and put them on Instagram. After that we decided to watch the movie and Corey puts his arm around me and I let him. I lay my head on his shoulder and about 10 minutes later I am asleep. A little bit later I wake up still on Corey's shoulder. I sit up and see that Jake left already.
S-Sabrina R-Rowan C-Corey B-Bradley
B- Let's play Truth or Dare
All- okay
B- Corey truth or dare
C- Dare
Corey's POV
Why did I say dare..
B- I dare you to kiss Rowan.
I look over at Rowan then back at Bradley
B- Well.. Are you going to
C- yeah..
I turn to look at Rowan. I lean in to kiss her when someone comes barging in. We all look over at the door and I think we are all thinking the same thing.
Bradley's POV
Honestly I think Corey and Rowan would be a cute couple. That's why I dared Corey to kiss Rowan. He told me and Sabrina that he likes her before we left the set for their show. Rowan has no clue, at least I think she has no clue. Just before Corey does his dare someone barges in, we all were obviously thinking the same thing What is he doing here
Rowan's POV
What the fuck is he doing here and how does he know that we are here
Sabrina's POV
Who told him we are here. I think about that question for a few seconds then remember how Jake was mad because of Rowan and Corey spending time together so he told him where we are so he can come crash our hangout.

How it all startedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu