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The walk back to narukami shrine was a long and tiresome one. Now Nessa was starting to regret her decision and it really showed in the way she carried herself. Her head fell low as she struggled to take in more air, feet dragging slowly behind herself as they got closer and closer to the top. She truly was a sight to see. 

When they reached the top of the stairs they were met with the sight of various women dressed in white and red kimonos. The place really did look amazing but they didn't really fit in.

"Gendou dear please assist these two in changing into something more" she paused and took a long look at the two.

"Pleasant" is all she said before turning to walk away.

"What was that about?" she turned to the less fatigued oni who only shrugged in return.

Before the two could converse further Inessa was wisked away by Gendou and shoved into a small closet filled with the same red & white kimono's.

"I guess I'm supposed to put these on" 

While she changed in the dark a weird feeling came over her, almost as if she was being watched by something that wasn't there. The feeling didn't go away and for awhile she contemplated calling out for help but instead she continued dressing herself, complately unaware of the mauve eyes watching her from the dark.

As she exited the closet she saw Itto standing near the staircase dressed in a large kimono.

"Out of all the things I do this makes me feel the least manliest" he grimaced.

"Its not like anyone's gonna pay that much attention to you" she reassured.

"I mean does this look manly" he outstretched his arm and flexed his muscle causing the sleeve to fall back revealing the large muscle underneath.

"Very" she said, feeling her face warm at the sight.

C'mon Nessa you seem them all the time.

Just as she made the statement a tall purple haired female walked up the stairs. She would've just dismissed the lady but then she noticed the large spear that floated at her side.

Just as the woman reached the top of the stairs Lady Yae suddenly appeared, squeezing passed the two so she could greet the woman.

"Well this is a surprise, never thought I'd see you here today" Yae said.

"You know very well why I'm here" she spoke, voice sending shivers down Inessa's back.

The voice sounded cold and devoid of emotion and it seemed to startle Lady Yae as well. To Inessa the tone wasn't anything new. In most of her false memories she recalled the same tone

."Why is that girl here in Inazuma?" she asked, sending a glare towards Inessa.

"Come now, lets discuss this elsewhere" Lady Yae stated before turning to face Nessa.

"I'm sure you know how to make a cup of tea so I'll let you handle this one" she smirked to herself before leaving just as quick as she came.

"You wanna come with me or?" She turned to the oni only to realise that he to was rooted to the floor next to her. Was he really afraid of this lady? What could be so special about the woman anyway.

"Don't tell me your afraid of her" she jested, the whole situation felt off.

"Me afraid, no no no no" he waved his hands in the air nervously but continued " don't you know who that is?" He asked to which Inessa just stared at the woman's figure.

She felt some form of familiarity when it came to the woman but nothing rang a bell.

"Not a clue" she shrugged before following behind the tall lady.

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