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(Changing the POV) Inessa

While we were walking along side the beach something shiny caught my eye.
It was a large purple bug hanging off the edge of a rotting branch.

Curiosity caught the best of me and I promptly walked over to the small insect expecting it to fly away at the sight of me but it didn't.

It didn't move or twitch or anything. Was it dead?

"What'd you find Nessa?" Itto came up behind me.

When his eyes landed on the small insect Infront of me he let out a large gasp, quickly pushing me aside to see the insect up close.

"What was that for?!" I yelled but he was to absorbed by the dang bug.

"It's huge" he whispered breathlessly.

What? Its just a bug

"This is the first one you've found?" He picked up, cradling it like a baby.

"You mean the bug, what's so special about it anyway?" I said, eye follow the markings on its wings.

"Hey c'mon be a little more excited, you just found one of these big guys"

"It looks small to me, just like that other one over there" I pointed to a similar looking one but this time it was burgundy and a bit larger.

The sight of the larger insect made his eyes pop out of his skull.

Before I could comment further he quickly got off the sand and bolted towards the bug, leaving me to slowly walk over behind him.

"Can I keep it or should I just leave it?" I asked but he just turned to me with a guilty look.

"You sure you wanna keep it, I mean I could use another one of these in my arsenal"

"Your arsenal, what kind of army do you have where beetles are your soldiers?" I asked.

"Well I am known as The Beetle Gladiator around these parts" he proudly stated.

"Really now, how many matches have you won?" I asked, interest starting to take over.

He hesitated slightly before muttering something under his breath.

"I'm sorry what was that?" I went closer.

"I've only won one match" he repeated again, a hint of embarrassment in his tone.

Why is he so embarrassed, it feels kinda strange watching him hesitate.

"I'm not gonna judge or anything, I'll let you keep the big one if you want it"

"I'm not embarrassed, I just ya know" his head fell downwards as he dragged his hand through the sand, trying to grasp the other relatively small one.

It took a couple seconds for me to realize that his hand was moving around in the sand in search of my own.

When our fingertips brushed together I felt a warm feeling seep into my skin. The heat of his hand radiating through his skin, only then did I stop to take in his features.

His crimson eyes turned downwards watching the floor, long hair falling over his shoulders as a shade of pink coated his cheeks.

"Nessa can I hold your hand" his voice coming out as a faint whisper.


Just as the words escaped her lips I felt his hand grasp mine tightly.

The warm sensation getting even warmer.

It felt overwhelming. Sure they had done more intimate things before but this somehow felt different.

While they were lost in each others warmth the bright light that surrounded him grew even brighter, almost blinding

Why is everything so hot?

The heart in her chest began beating obnoxiously loud as she felt more blood rushing to her face. Everything felt to loud and overwhelming and all of this from the result of a handshake.

"Nessa are you okay your face is a little red" he asked, bringing a hand up to her face.

"I'm fine, let's just get out of here" I rose to my feet suddenly, yanking him up with me.

"Where are we gonna go then and you know your still holding my hand right?" he asked.

"Let's go to the city" I suggested.

"The city- oh no no no " he stopped causing her to stop as well.

"They don't like me there that much plus there's a ton of things we can do out here" he stated.

"C'mon all we need to do is to disguise you" I turned to him.

Yeah the disguise was a good idea but with what? They didn't have clothes in demand or anything so the only thing they'd have to do is swap.
And swap they did!

                          ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

Putting on his clothes wasn't that hard of a thing to do the hard part was to find ways to cover myself up.

I can't go out in public like this, my chest is exposed!

Maybe I should pin up the jacket.

Inessa began to regret her idea. The pants were to large, they sat to low. Almost hanging off her hips while the extra accessories made it hard to move.

But she had finally pinned the jacket so atleast that was a fix.

"Itto are you done?" I asked.

There was no answer, instead she saw the male walk our Infront of her.

While the mages clothes fit Inessa comfortably for Itto they fit him like a glove. The leggings looked like they would burst at the seams while the jacket was strangling him.

"Those heels look really good on you" I giggled at the sight, the heels were on the verge of breaking.

"Do we really have to do this?" he asked, eyes cemented on the floor Infront of him.

"You have to, c'mon it'll be fun plus we can find jobs this way" I stated.

"Jobs, I have no need for mora-" he finally looked up to her small figure standing directly Infront of him.

His eyes fell to the exposed flesh of her hips, cheeks immediately turning red.

"That looks really good on you" he said loudly.

"Hey! Not so loud, someone might hear you" I yelled, the hot feeling from earlier seeping back in.

"But no one's around"

"I'm around" a familiar voice said from behind the two.

Snapping us out of our own world we saw a mysterious woman standing a couple feet away from us.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked.

The woman didn't answer, instead she observed the two. Lilac eyes falling onto mine.

Something about her seemed familiar.

Is this just gonna be how it goes everytime I meet someone new. Always this familiar feeling.

"You two seem interesting, would you like to come work for me" she asked, tail swinging in the wind.

"Sure" Itto answered immediately.

He didn't even give it any thought???

"Great, follow me darling" she turned swiftly and began walking off into a random direction with us trailing slowly behind her.

(Crappy chapter but thank you for reading and sticking around for future updates)

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