◍𝘼𝙣 𝙊𝙡𝙙 𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙?◍

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"Wait wait wait" Shizune yelled while softly patting his shoulder to catch his attention.

Shizune and Itto were currently walking along the sand, listening to each other babbling on about random topics.

The two had only just realized that something or someone was currently missing.

"I think we lost her" she spoke up.

"Lost who, we're all here" he stated, body swiveling around to see if Inessa was still following them.

"Oh crap" he sweat dropped.

"Kay let's not panic, use your string thing, you can still do that right?" He set Shizu onto the floor.

"Yeah I think I can" she said turning towards him with slight worry on her face.

She closed her eyes in concentration as a green vine slowly materialized in her feeble hands.

The string looked different to the previous ones, it was a faint green. Almost see through and quite small, like a piece of string.

Without thinking much about it she turned on her feet and began walking through the sand and away from the shores of the beach.

After a few steps the vine vanished from her finger tips, stopping her in he process.

That seemed to finally tip her o er the edge.

Wordlessly Shizune turned towards Itto, tears welling in her eyes.

"Hey don't cry we'll find her for sure" he awkwardly peered down at the child, not sure of what to do.

"I mean we'll definitely find her, can start over there" he said pointing in a random direction.

What was he supposed to do? He wasn't good with crying kids.

If only Inessa was here...

Right we're supposed to be looking for her right now.

It's only been a couple minutes but I'm starting to miss her presence.

His arms were currently resting at his sides, body starting to feel antsy as he realized he didn't have anything to do with them.

Finally taking things into his own hands he bent his knees and squatted Infront of the crying child, slowly lifting her up and into his hands.

"C'mon, your super amazing friend Arataki Itto is gonna help you find our very amazing friend Inessa, so don't cry over it" he said tryin to calm her down.

While he was talking to her the wind slowly picked up, causing his hair to swish around in the wind.

"You okay now- AAHH"

The calm wind soon turned into a large gush of wind, pushing them both back while a figure appeared Infront of the two.

The wind quickly dispersed as the figure stepped forward towards the two.

"No time to talk I just need you to come with me" the short male stated while stepping closer to the two.

"Wow wow wow stand back shortly, don't come any closer" he backed up a little.

"I know where Inessa is and I need you guys to help me get her" he quickly blurted out, holding out his hand to the two.

Without asking any other questions he stepped forward and grasped the males hand, still holding Shizu in his other.

Before they could back out they were quickly surrounded with the same wind, feet lifting off the floor before being carried away wind.

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