◍𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙨◍

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Currently Shizune was strolling around the shores of the beach, following her dendro vine.

Doubt was starting to swell up inside her head, worry starting to seep in.

She'd never been left alone for this long without parental supervision.

"What's this" her dendro vine was leading her upwards, vertically hanging off the cliff above her.

How am I supposed to get up there.

"Having trouble?" an unknown voice said from the sky.

Just she looked towards the void she noticed a green glowing orb floating above her head.

Is that where the voice came from?

"Was it you who just spoke" she asked the glowing orb.

"Yes it was me" the orb responded, lowering itself onto her hair.

"I saw that you needed some help so I'm here to assist you" the orb continued.

"Okay Misses Orb, what are we supposed to do now?" She asked, still with the vine in hand.

"Transfer your elemental energy into the vine and tell it what you want to do" the orb said, now beside her head.

"How'd you get there"

"Don't Worry about that just focus on putting your energy into the vine"

Following the vines advice Shizu closed her eyes and imagined a green liquid flowing from her wrists and into the vine, causing a green aura to envelop the vine.

"Woah your getting it, now tell it what you want it to do" the orb encouraged the small child.

Please go up, I need to find my family.

"Its moving look" she opened her eyes to see the vine slowly moving upward, lifting her feet off the floor and pulling her up with it.

After a few seconds of dangling in the air Shizu finally reached the top to see a large statue positioned Infront of her.

"What's that" she asked the mysterious voice to which she received no answer.

"Misses Voice, are you still there?" She said turning towards the orb.

"Sorry, I'm afraid we can't speak anymore, the statue is nullifying my presence here" she apologized to the child before slowly fizzing out.

"I wish you luck Shizune" the orb said before finally disappearing.

Well what am I to do now? The vine stopped here

While Shizu was thinking the statue stationed in front of her started emitting a glow, a figure slowly materializing behind it.

✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

"Are we there yet" Inessa asked, hands firmly grasping onto his wrist.

Slowly opening her eyes she was met with new surroundings.

A large statue positioned Infront of the two stood on top of a hill.

"Yeah I think so" he said.

"Wow you actually got us somewhere"

"Ofcourse I did" he said, seemingly offender by her statement.

"Woah, I sacrifice sleep to drag you around all day long and you underestimate me this much" he gasped dramatically, slowly stepping away from her before noticing the small child peaking from behind the statue.

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