◍𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙮◍

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The group stopped in fear, being met with the cold glare of the Harbingers.

The air grew colder as the silence seeped in. No one dared to make a move, both sides waiting for each other to make the first step.

"Unhand our mage immediately" a little girl, sat in the palm of a large machine spoke.

"Mage, what are you talking about"  Itto asked, grip tightening on the human perched on his shoulder.

"She doesn't seem to be moving, maybe they did something to her" the ginger spoke but no one seemed to pay attention.

Itto seemed confused, wondering who they were talking about.

Only when Shizune pointed to Inessa who laid frozen on his shoulder did he realize who they were talking about.

"Oh you mean her, she's-" he stated before feeling a nudge to his head, stilling immediately when he felt her move her lips to his ear.

"They don't know who I am idiot" she whispered softly. Tiredness evident in her voice.

"Guys I hate to interrupt but what do we do?" Venti turned towards the two.

"Aren't you the god they were talking about, just use your powers" Shizu stated to which he just responded with a confused expression.

"What do you want me to do, blow them away?" He jested.

Unbeknowst to them Inessa was feeling more sluggish by the minute, summoning that flower must have had something to do with it.

She pushed herself further up his shoulders swaying a little before whispering into the air.

She had no clue what she whispered but the feeling that came with it felt familiar. As if her energy was slowly being zapped away from her.

Venti turned his head in her direction as if he heard what she whispered. Eyes widening before drifting to the floor, feeling a small tremor shake the ground.

"Guys get down now" he shouted as the tremors worsened.

Ice fell from the roof as the ground beneath them cracked open revealing a large electro whopper flower. Electricity flowed from the flower in large waves instantly damaging everyone but Inessa.

"Where did that come from" Itto stared into the flower, seemingly unaffected by it.

He turned to look at the others who were still crouched to the floor.

"What are you guys doing?" He questioned before looking over to the limp figure on his shoulder.

Panic set in as he noticed the drowsiness in her eyes. He knew she was tired but she looked half dead.

"Oh there's a shield over us" Venti said, embarrassment evident on his face.

After lifting Nessa off his shoulder he held her closely Infront of him. He hadn't a clue what was going on but he was sure gonna try and find out.

The others didn't seem to notice the two, instead they were staring at the large flower that was currently reeking havoc.

He shook her a little but that didn't seem to do anything, instead she wrapped her hands around his arm, legs dangling in the air as she nuzzled her head into his palm.

"Hey wait wait wait, don't fall asleep again" a small blush creeped onto his cheeks at the sight.

She seemed so oblivious to what she was doing, only thinking about going to sleep.

Unbeknowst to them she was very much awake. Her mind was as alert as ever but her body seemed to disagree with her.

The only thing she could do was cling to her source of warmth and think of more ideas.

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