Gemini was waiting for his soon-to-be husband while standing on the stage. He had P'Earth and P'Mix by his side. All the visitors, including MilkLove, PromJennie, Ford's parents, other family members, and close business associates were there, and his parents were seated on the seats directly in front of them.

Ford led his baby down the aisle when he spotted him carrying a bouquet of sunflowers and looked so dashing and ethereal.

"Take good care of Him, Gem."

"I will, Ford, I will."

The wedding rites began.

The priest commanded Gemini Norawit, "Do you accept Fourth Nattawat as your legally wedded Husband."

Gemini grinned and responded, "I do."

"Do you accept Gemini Norawit as your legally married husband, fourth Nattawat?"

Fourth's tear-filled eyes were being wiped away by Gemini as he said, "I do." Fourth stated feeling overwhelmed

The rings were placed on each other's fingers. Gemini persisted in dabbing Fourth's and his tears. Everyone in attendance at the ceremony had tears in their eyes from happiness for the couple.

"I now declare you Husbands. You may kiss now."

Gemini snaked his arms around Fourth's waist, and Fourth placed his hands on Gemini's shoulder, kissing him fiercely.

They only broke up the kiss when Mark said, "You can do more things on your honeymoon, Gem. I haven't financed your honeymoon for nothing." Everyone chuckled at Mark's remark.

Wedding Reception

Everyone began wishing the newlyweds a prosperous future.

Gemini's father

"My boys, I hope your future is filled with happiness. Always have faith in each other. This route will have many ups and downs, but if you stick together, you can overcome any obstacle. I send you my best wishes for a happy marriage.

Gemini's Mom

Just always have faith in one another, like Dad stated. Always strive to make the other person happy. And as your parents we will always be there for you.


"Good luck with your new life, Phi. P'Gem, please make my brother happy. He has already gone through a lot, and I don't want him to be sad any longer. Phi, I'll never be able to thank you for what you did for me. However, despite everything, your brother will always love you dearly.


"No matter how you have talked with each other, we who have been married for four years can only tell you one thing from experience: this relationship will bring you happiness as well as arguments. Just make sure you battle them together, okay?"

"Congratulations my uncle I love you," He said lovingly


"Guys, good luck. I wish you a good future. And even if are married now, you guys have to remember us. We know that you both cannot function without us bugging you, so you won't forget about us."

They both thanked everyone after each person's little speech, "Come Closer" started playing in the background.

"Would you like to dance with me as husbands, My Love?" In front of Fourth, Gemini was holding his hand, and Fourth was only blushingly nodding. They moved to the center of the dance floor, where Fourth snaked his hands up to Gemini's neck and Gemini snaked his arms around Fourth's waist.

They began to sway to the music. Additionally, dancing were the other couples MarkFord, EarthMix, MilkLove, PromJennie, and Gemini's Parents.

Touching their foreheads, Fourth murmured, "I love you, my husband."

"I love you, too, Baby."

"I appreciate you choosing me as your life partner, and I promise to love you with all my heart," Fourth smiled as Gemini kissed his forehead and mused.

They continued to dance while enjoying the moment until it was abruptly ended by none other than...

"Hey, lovebirds," exclaimed Mark Ford as they approached them. An envelope was given to them.

"What's this," Gemini asked.

"Your Honeymoon package, it's a gift from both of us, enjoy your stay there."

"You occasionally behave well, too, Mark."

"Shut up Gemini, are you going or should I cancel it," Mark responded, snatching the package away.

"Don't you dare," Gemini cautioned.

"Baby, should we elope from here now, I can't wait to spend our Honeymoon," Gemini said Fourth.

"But the guests are still here, Gem."

"Don't worry, Fourth, just go; we'll take care of it here." Gemini's parents stated they were approaching from behind.

"Go easy on my friend Gemini," Ford said.

"I can't promise anything because it's my night."

"You are a pervert, Gemini," Earth mocked.

Mix remarked, "Look who's saying," and then smacked Earth's cheeks.

"Can you guys put a stop to it?"Fourth groaned

"Hey everybody, don't make fun of my baby boy." Gemini's Mom remarked and gave them each a hug.

To be continued

Thank you for reading...

Love, Ash & Aeri❤️

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