"Love, please don't push me away." I walked up to him and sat at the foot of the bed.

"Please leave Gemini"

"No, no, I won't ever leave you again. I received everything from Milk, including your address."

Fourth, with a stern expression on his face, asked, "So what now, what do you want to talk about when you know everything?"

"Why did you do all that? You should have told me so we could have faced it together." I asked regretfully,

"Tell you and endanger everyone's life no, I can't do that."

"Baby, I swear I'll help you in every way to bring justice to your parents. We can still fight her if we are together." I tried reaching out to him

He bowed his head and whispered, "I tried everything, Gemini, but we can't do anything."

"FotFot," I pleaded.

"Gemini, stop it You saw me, didn't you? Stop it and leave me alone. Leave me alone so I may live my life peacefully, and you go back to Thailand to continue living your life." Fourth yanked his hand away from me and got to his feet.

"I can't I won't," I sobbed once again. "You have my undying love, sweetie." As I knelt in front of him, I said, "Let's start over and fight against her together." I begged, taking hold of his hand.

"Gemini" Fourth sighed.

"Please," I pleaded.

Fourth's phone rang, interrupting the pair's conversation, Prom's number could be seen.

"Prom, what's up?"

"Phi, Phi The video had been uncovered. I succeeded, Phi, and now we can bring justice to our parents," he said with glee.

"What! Prom, you retrieved them, what did you say? Is what I've heard true?

"Yes, phi yes, I did it, phi, let's go back to Bangkok and destroy her."

"You are outstanding Prom, my baby bro." And then he hung up the phone.

"What happened, Baby," I questioned as Fourth's lips began to grin. He instantly gave me a hug.

He sprang joyfully into my arms and said, "Prom did it Gem, he did it, he proved that he is the best hacker out there. We finally recovered the CCTV footage of the day that bitch killed my parents; I can now bring her to justice, and I won't have to live with guilt for the rest of my life."

"So you're coming to Bangkok right." I smiled, "Yes, I am." he nodded.

I whirled around with him in my arms, about to kiss him on the cheeks, when he whispered, "But wait, I didn't say I'd get back to you. I said I'm returning to Thailand only to exact my revenge and then we'll be enemies again." Fourth grinned within himself.

"You've got to be kidding me, you still love me even though you broke up with me under her pressure." After freeing him from the embrace,

"Yes, that was the case before, but now I'm no longer in love with you." Fourth shrugged as I glanced down and tried to hold back tears since I wasn't prepared for this-my Baby had lost his love for me. How is it even possible?

I heard him remark, "Well, if someone tries to win my heart back by being all lovey-dovey and romantic, then maybe I can think about getting back with him."

When I heard this, I jerked my head in his direction with such force that it might have given anyone whiplash. I immediately held him firmly because I believed that we had finally been given a chance. "I promise I'll win your heart again FotFot."

"Let's see," he said smirking

"Should we return to Thailand then? I'm eager to see her expression after she is found guilty. When I rip my kingdom away from her, I can't wait to watch how she reacts." After two grueling years, Fourth grinned as the Most Powerful Mafia of Thailand.

"Yes let's go, but before that why did you hurt yourself, baby," I asked him in a soft voice

"Gemini now's not the time, I'll tell you about it later."

"Promise me you won't hurt yourself ever again, and you have to tell me about it."


To be continued....

Love, Ash❤️

A/N - Hi everyone, This is Aeri. I know you've all been waiting a long time for the chapters to arrive. Trust me, I've been working really hard to finish the chapters as fast as possible, but life has suddenly become far too crazy. We work on a chapter with Ash completing a draft chapter and me polishing those drafts. So Ash has finished her task of providing drafts, but it is me who is taking my time with everything; as I previously stated, I am a working adult, and currently, owing to religious reasons, I have a lot of work on my plate. Without making any excuses, I merely wanted to let you guys know that it will take some time for the chapters to appear, but I will finish the story nonetheless. Have trust in me, and give me some love if you can. Guys, thanks for being patient with me. Thank you, and I'll upload another one hopefully soon.❤️

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